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Miami D

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Miami D. Torrance

The cold air slapped Miami right in her face as she made her way to work Sunday morning

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The cold air slapped Miami right in her face as she made her way to work Sunday morning.

She hadn't spoken to Caleb in two days, and frankly she really could care less. Call her heartless or grimy but she didn't have time to play games with him. If he couldn't understand her mindset than maybe whatever they had going on needed to come to an end.

Miami's stomach growled as she made her way onto the train. She worked over in Manhattan, at a small clothing boutique. It was quite the travel but it was good money, time out the house, and she was away from the drug wars for a few hours out of the day.

She made it a note in her head to pick up something to eat, when she first got off the train. Being that it was just hitting, six o'clock in the morning the train wasn't as packed as it would be during the afternoon. Miami silently thanked God for that, and distracted herself in her phone as she knew the train ride would be a minute.

Her phone started ringing and she rolled her eyes declining Tweety's call. Her and DeJuan "broken up " and she had been calling Miami non-stop but Miami knew that they'd be back together before school tomorrow, so she wasn't about to entertain Tweety at the moment.

The train continued making it's assigned stops but Miami paid it no mind as she sat back and closed her eyes. She knew the ride would be a minute so she played in her phone a bit taking cute little selfies.

Miami's attention traveled to her bare left wrist. She had yet to find her bracelet and it was really starting to worry her. She had tried her best to track her steps within the last few days but she had been all over the place. So her bracelet could of honestly slipped off and ended up anywhere. It was bothering her though because that bracelet had belonged to her since she was a baby. It was the only piece of her mother she had left besides her physical appearance. Therefore, Miami held onto it and took care of it with her life. She needed to find it as soon as possible before she went crazy.

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