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Miami D

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Miami D. Torrance

For it be be the first of March, the weather seemed to have a mind of its own

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For it be be the first of March, the weather seemed to have a mind of its own. March was the month dedicated for Winter to start winding down and Spring to pop in and take it's place. However, today? Today it was ridiculously foggy and clouded. The sky was taken over with various shades of grey, in some places a chink of light managed to break through, but otherwise it was almost as dark as pre-dawn.

The air was humid, damp, and smelt of an incoming storm. To make matters worse the gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the whole New York state population. Almost everybody was grumpy, depressed, angered, or in their own antisocial mood. Not a single soul wanted to be bothered or in good graces.

A gust of wind smacked Miami right in the face before she could even step one foot out of her Uber. She sucked her teeth before thanking the man over her shoulder, and fully exiting the vehicle. Slamming the door behind her, Miami was met with over a dozen pair of eyes fixated on her. She fixed the Alexander McQueen scarf on her head, it was styled into an Erykah Badu bun, her edges peeking out and laid to the tea. But because of the wind the style she had it setup in was pushed back. Making more then just her baby hairs show.

Miami forced a smile and directed it towards all the people who were silently judging or taking in her presence. Wondering why she thought it was okay to show up to the burial but not the initial church service. She kept her head hung low as she walked towards the casket where everybody was gathered. Her eyes taking in the various graves that were scattered and plotted throughout the grass.

"Sister Grant, who is also Raheem's grandmother; would like to lead this final prayer before we let down the casket. If we all could gather and join hands during this time that would be appreciated." Pastor Willikans, the owner and head minister of John Baptist Church directed everyone.

"I'd like to say something first." Carmen interjected. The air grew quiet as everyone focused their attention on her. Though a few sniffs and low cries could still be heard. "My cousin was a good person despite the activity he was involved in. He truly did have a lot going for himself, and nobody could tell me any different."

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