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JFK International AirportQueens, New York4:00 AM

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JFK International Airport
Queens, New York
4:00 AM

Elijah A. Kingston

"Flight 485 to Bora Bora is boarding now

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"Flight 485 to Bora Bora is boarding now." An animated voice announced over the loud speaker.

"E? You ready?" Shelby placed her hand on his shoulder and shook him awake.

Opening up his eyes, E took a moment to take in his surroundings before nodding his head at Shelby.

"Uncle are you otay?" Kansas ran over to him and tugged on his pants leg.

Not realizing that his eyes were bloodshot red due to how much he smoked during the thirty minute drive from Brooklyn to Queens. Elijah shook his head at his niece. He assumed that she thought he was on the verge of crying when that wasn't the case. He couldn't cry even if he wanted to because the amount of marijuana he consumed had numbed him.

Kansas smiled up at her Uncle as he bent down to her level. "You cry? What's the matter?" She looked into his eyes, her very own tearing up a little bit.

"No, I'm not crying." Elijah shook his head. "I am sad though."

"Why you sad?"

"Because I had to leave somebody I love very much back home."

"If you love her why you leave her?" Kansas looked up at him with concern. "I love my sister and Mommy and I bring em' with me."

"She couldn't come with me." E mumbled. "I couldn't take her with me. I left her because that's what's best."

"Oh." Kansas took her bottom lip into her mouth before bringing his face down towards her's and placing a kiss on his nose.

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