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Miami D

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Miami D. Torrance

"Let's go."

Miami checked over herself in E's full length mirror located in his living room and nodded in approval.

She had to wake up extra early to work fast and make herself a outfit. So she bleached various spots of an old black shirt that she found in E's closet. He had tons of clothes so Miami figured he be okay with it. It fit her like a dress and that's what she used it as. She cut up some pieces to style it up a bit and paired it with her all black timbs since that's the only shoes she had. After drying the shirt. The bleach came out like a dark orange color which Miami thought complimented her skin tone. She was proud of herself.

Running her hands through her curls. Miami didn't feel E's presence behind her until a hard smack came to her butt, making her jump in fear before she faced him.

"You got school and I got things to do. Hurry the fuck up." E retorted.

Miami frowned at him. He had been grumpy all morning and she couldn't understand why, it wasn't like she cared, she just didn't appreciate how he had been talking to her.

"You got a notebook and pencil I could use?" She eyed him.

Sucking his teeth, Miami watched as Elijah made his way to the back of his home, and quickly returned with a pack of pens and a brand new notebook.

Miami gladly accepted it and placed them in her schoolbag that she always carried around with her.

"I left my homework at home, so now I gotta do it in the car." She explained to E who really could careless.

Brushing her off, E pointed to the door and Miami rolled her eyes.

"Okay. I'm ready." She rushed.

While in the car, Miami tried her best to complete her homework. She finished just as they arrived in front of her school, her work was sloppy but nonetheless it was completed.

She sighed once she looked out the window and seen her group huddled together right outside of the school instead of inside like they normally would be. It made it worse that E's stereo was booming causing all the attention to be on the mysterious Black Suburban.

"What you waiting for? I got business to take care of. Get the fuck out." E's voice filled Miami's ears.

"Don't say nothing once I get out this car. Just drive off like for real." Miami spat as she gathered up all her things.

"Shit now I'm gon' say some shit." E smirked.

Miami opened up her door and looked over her shoulder. Elijah shooed her on and she sucked her teeth and hopped out his truck.

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