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Two Months Later

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Two Months Later

Miami D. Torrance

"Just tilt your head to the side a little."

Miami groaned, before doing as told and stilling her body.

She had been in the same spot for almost an hour and her body was growing restless.

"Anddd, I'm done." Elijah equipped before turning over the canvas to show her the painting.

"Oh my gosh! Baby it looks so real." Miami smiled as she observed the painting of herself.

" Miami smiled as she observed the painting of herself

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"You should get it tatted on you." She joked but in a way she was serious at the same time.

Elijah sent her a look before shaking his head and shrugging. "Maybe one day." He concluded before setting the canvas aside so that he could clean up the mess he made.

"You ever thought about doing more than just tattoos?"

"Nah." He spoke as he cleaned off his paint brushes. "I got my own business. I own that tattoo shop, what else is there for me to do?"

"Maybe you should open up like an art gallery or something. But like, an urban one. Not the upscale, boujie type. You could have blunts handed out at the door, instead of wine since you like to smoke so much." She joked. "It's just an idea." She shrugged before standing to her feet and making her way over to his lap.

Over the past few weeks, Miami had became a lot more affectionate. She was clingy and she had no shame in it.

This normally wasn't her but maybe it had to do with the fact that their relationship was forced to be a secret. She hardly would see him at times, so when she did she was linked to his hip and wouldn't detach until it was time for her to go back home. The couple did everything together. Slept, ate, showered, used the bathroom. Every single thing.

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