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Elijah A

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Elijah A. Kingston

"E? You're needed at the front desk

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"E? You're needed at the front desk."

Peeking up from his outline, Elijah sucked his teeth and sat his pencil down. He looked at his client letting him know that he wouldn't be long, before hurrying out his station to the front desk. Where—Amber was seated and holding out the phone for him.

He gladly accepted it and brought it to his ear.

"This is E." His husky voice took over.

"E? Hi...this is Sevyn."

"Streeter? What's up lil mama?" E grinned into the phone.

"Nothing. You know the usual—working, recording, touring. But hey? Look I'm in town for a of couple days. I'd really like to finish up that tat now."

"Oh word? That's fine wit' me."

"Good, good. So when do you think I could come in? "

Elijah tapped Amber, and watched as she pulled up his schedule and bookings for the rest of the week. He scanned over the computer screen for a bit before deciding on a day.

"I'm free Saturday at ten. Sound good?" E spoke back into the phone.

"I'll be there."

"Alright, see you then." He handed the phone to Amber and watched as she hung it up.

He went to turn around, but was stopped when Amber called out to him.

"When do you plan on hiring a new receptionist? I'm a tattoo artist and booking appointments and answering calls takes away from my clients." Amber explained.

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