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Miami D. Torrance

MIAMI TOOK A DEEP BREATH BEFORE she pressed accept on the Skype call

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MIAMI TOOK A DEEP BREATH BEFORE she pressed accept on the Skype call. The screen was blank for a moment but the sounds of the person on the receiving end could still be heard. She kept quiet not sure on whether or not they were experiencing technical difficulties. She went to end the call until she heard their voice.

"I'm here....go ahead." Miss Reacher urged.

Miami smiled and looked down at the thick stack of printed paper in her hands. She read off her name and the topic at hand before starting off with her hook. "In many case scenarios, a person is here to complete their basic cycle of life. We're born, we live, then we die. But throughout the living course, in my opinion it's our obligation to make and leave some form of impact on those we come across. To me? We all have a purpose, and being here on this Earth, our goal while living is to find this purpose and embrace it."

Miami looked towards Kian for reassurance. He gave her a thumbs up and she brought her attention back to the livestream. "Through the journey of finding it, we may constantly be put through bad conditions, events, or situations. These bad conditions are all a test of our ability and overall strengths. We may get to a point, where we want to give up on this journey. Where we may see no point left in continuing on, or we may try to cheat our way out of it or through it. Pertaining to the book, I could say tha-

"Absolutely not!"

Miami bit her tongue, she fought the urge to roll her eyes because at this point she felt like she'd recited this exact piece one hundred times. She was tired, thirsty, and irritated.

"You're hook is sad, it's not pulling me in, it doesn't interest or excite me. On top of that I feel like you're feeding your audience pure bullshit. That is before you actually get to answering the question. The book should not be brought up at the last minute Miami! If anything that should be your leading statement, following the hook. To make matters worse, all I'm hearing is I this and I that. Therefore, I'm not accepting this because we both know this is not your full potential. I'll give you til the Tuesday after break, you have four days. Make me proud and try to actually intrigue me. Give the family my best; Goodbye Miss Torrance."

The noise indicating the ending of the Skype call caused Miami to throw a pillow towards her wall. She was so irritated because she felt like she was putting her all into this paper but to her teacher it wasn't enough.

Miami knew that her Senior year would be hard. She was taking a total of ten classes in a semester based school. Missing out on so many days her Junior year caused her to lose out on some credits she would need to graduate. Meaning that each semester she was taking five classes. There were only two semesters in her school, which to some might've sounded amazing. Yet to the actual students that wasn't the case. Her school was much more fast pace, work piled up so quick,  and just missing two days would have you in tears. So imagine how Miami felt when she was told she would be taking a total of ten classes this school year, when everyone else only had eight or less. Seniors would be out of school by two o'clock the latest, and Miami would be leaving by three thirty with the rest of the underclassmen, it sucked.

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