A Slight Explanation

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"And then I realized that my loudest neighbor hadn't been there for practically 3 days. So I went to the library where you usually hang out with Peter and-"

"It's Parker, not Peter."

"Whatever. I went and there were a bunch of police cars, a detective, and caution tape. People were being interrogated and questioned, mostly victims that were 'freezed'. Long story short, I eventually found the lab and jumped into the shuttle. I didn't change any settings so I spawned in the same kingdom...as the kingdom's most wanted outlaw."

"And you already have a band of other outlaws?" I asked, already knowing the answer. I was tied to a tree in a forest, and surrounded by a camp. There were a bunch of sleeping men, some eating, others playing cards. The only other girl besides myself was the glamorous Latina, practicing archery and hitting a bull's eye.

"Yep, I sent one of my 15 men to knock out a guard and use his clothes. You totally fell for it too!" He said, obviously proud. Why the heck would Louie want to kidnap me anyway?

"So what do you want me for?" I couldn't help but ask. "Do they know that you," I lowered my voice to a whisper, "time traveled?"

"No, they don't know. As for kidnapping you, what outlaw wouldn't want the princess or prince? You can do anything, and if they try to stop you..." he pauses," you threaten their precious little monarch. And since you're the only child they'll do anything to keep you safe. Who knows? I might even let you go in trade for this kingdom."

"My parents would never do that."

"You'd be surprised," I turn and see the girl talking to me now,"my parents would." She seems distant like she's remembering something that means a lot to her. She catches herself and quickly goes back to normal,"My name's Teresa. Nice to meet you blah blah blah... good talk see you later." With that she picks up her bow and walks away.

"You get annoying with your stupid questions really fast, and since I'll never be your neighbor anymore I could do whatever. I also happen to be an outlaw, so I get to be a bad guy. Fun." He says as he pulls out a rag from a small sack. "Now shut the hell up." He ties the rags around my mouth and smiles. "There's no duct tape, but this actually works. Try to say something."

"Mmphh!" I try to talk but the rag muffles it.

"Thought so, goodbye. Teresa you watch her." He walks away and Teresa sighs and puts down her bow. She sits on a log near the tree I'm tied to.

" I have a sad feeling that you and I are going to spend a lot of time together, isn't that just wonderful."

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