Dangerous Lodgings/ A Pirate In The Dungeon

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Chris's P.o.V

  "May I stay the night here? I will work in return." I asked tiredly. It has been two days since the arrest of all my new friends. I have been on the run, trying not to get caught. If I am it is surely the death sentence. I try to lodge with a new family every night.

  "I do have an extra room to house you. You may stay to eat supper with us if you like, my own son passed away about a year ago. My husband would be so delighted to have a young man in the house again, and I would enjoy it as well." Her eyes were full of hope and sorrow. I felt so bad, and I desperately needed somewhere to stay.

  "That would be lovely, thank you Miss." She smiled and teared up.

  "I'm sorry, you remind me of my son so much. This is the first time someone has stayed in his room since..." She closed her eyes. She took a shaky breath and smiled kindly.

1 Hour Later

"My husband is here! He will be so happy to see you!" I smile. She told me her whole life story, including her son's death. He had been paid by an old couple to find their missing daughter and was ambushed by bandits when searching. I got up to introduce myself to the man. I froze when I saw who it was.

It was a palace guard.

Alexander's P.o.V

"Sarah? Are you alright?" She smiled weakly and nodded. That was a woman's way of saying, "No, but I don't want you to know it." I sighed, she seemed so delicate and small, despite being 20 years old. She was older than all of the others, besides me.

She glanced around nervously, hoping to find the others. She seemed so scared, I wanted to hold her close and tell her everything was going to turn out fine. I couldn't though, it would throw something off in the future. I don't want to do anything bad, just hold her close. Then I remembered that I have to marry Tori. Don't get me wrong, she's cool but not my type.

Sarah's so sweet and kind, she deserves much better than me. I'm just a rude man that acts like an asshole to cover up all his insecurities.



"You are going to keep your promise, right?"

"To keep you safe? Definitely." She smiled and continued walking next to me. We walked silently for about another 15 minutes until she stopped randomly.

  "I heard something, or someone in the hall." I stopped to listen. I heard a man's voice, and it most definitely wasn't Parker.

"Is it a guard?" I asked, hoping she'd know.

"I do not know, I will go and find out." Before I could stop her she turned the corner which we were hiding behind. There was absolute silence. Then a scream.

The scream sent chills up my spine and made me nearly jump out of my own skin. I turned the corner to see what had happened. I froze at the frightful scene.

  There was a big man in his late twenties holding Sarah by the wrists with one hand, and in the other he held a sword.

"You shant tell anyone lassie, you are coming with me. If you resist then die right now."

"Let her go!" He quickly looked up. Sarah turned to me, dread was her obvious expression.

"Who are you?" He asked. He had an eyepatch, showing he had lost one of his eyes. I told myself I would make sure he lost the other if he hurt Sarah.

"I am Alexander..." The Great? No, that's taken. Hamilton is also taken... "Alexander." I said nervously.

"Well then, Alexander Alexander, you have made a great mistake. I'm trained to kill and kidnap, I am a pirate." Oh shit...

  "Let go of the damsel!" I demanded.

  "Do not call me that." Sarah said.

  "Sorry, I meant let go of the girl!"

  "Come and get her!" He shouted as he threw her against the wall and ran towards me with the sword. I quickly took the sword of a suit of armor that was on display. I blocked his swing and chopped off the tip of his nose. He screamed in pain. I saw Sarah struggling get up. He hurt her... my promise. I hate breaking promises, well, the ones I meant at least.

"Look out!" I hear Sarah yell. It's too late, I am stabbed in my ribs.

The world is spinning in slow motion. I feel myself fall, Sarah is yelling in the background. The pirate can be heard laughing in a distance. I watch helplessly as he grabs Sarah again and runs down the hall.

"Alexander!" She screams. She doesn't seem worried about herself, she seems scared that I'm dead. I close my eyes and quickly open them to show her I'm alive. They turn the corner and I can no longer see them.

The world turns black.

I'm loving these posters by Demigod_Girl12 !!!😍

A longer chapter to start off the new year 😊

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