Finding The Bandits

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Parker's P.o.V

  "I hear something." Sarah says quietly. I hear voices, mostly men's.  It's already been two days since we started our journey, and today was the first time we heard anything.

  "Bandits." I hear Alexander growl. He scowls and trots ahead.

  "Be careful, they might hurt you." Sarah says with worry in her voice.

  "I got a dagger, sweetheart, they won't even touch me." Sarah blushes.

  "Could you see anything? Important, I mean."

  "The princess!" Sarah says in a hushed voice. I look at where she is looking and  see Tori tied to a tree.

  "Let's get off our horses and go into the bushes." We hop off carefully and hide behind thick bushes.

  "And so I grabbed an arrow and shot the bottle right out of his hand!" I hear a girl say. Tori laughs. The girl is beautiful, and has a great laugh. It's so contagious I want to laugh with her, even know what they're talking about.

  "Serves him right for hitting on you." Tori says." Have you ever shot anyone?" She asks the girl.I hold my breath. I hope she hasn't, some part of me is hoping that she is harmless.

  "No, I don't like killing people, that's Louie's job." Louie? Isn't that Tori's neighbor in the modern world?

  "I heard of that guy, Louie, he's Tori's neighbor." I tell Sarah and Alexander.

  "Are you sure? How would he be her neighbor? Does he live in the palace?"

  "The machine, that's what set the alarm!" Alexander says to himself.

  "What do mean? Machine? Like the Printing Press?"

  I didn't know what to tell her without scaring her. I don't have time to, because a yell interrupts my thoughts.

  "No!" I hear Sarah scream. Louie stands behind us and stabs Alexander with his sword. Alexander falls to the ground holding his wound in pain, and Sarah rushes to his side.

  "I have a dagger, they won't touch me!" He mimics. I see why Tori always hated this guy.

  "You idiot!" I hear Sarah yell as she gets up and walks towards Louie. I try to tell her otherwise but it's too late.

  She kicks him where the sun don't shine. He falls to the ground in pain and she kicks his hand, making the sword fall out of his hands. He tries to get up, but she punches him in the face.

  "You little Bit-"

  "That's not an insult in this century yet!" Alexander says as he lies down in pain. I quickly go to him as Sarah continues to beat up Louie.

  "What can I do?" I ask him.

  "I'll be fine, I've been shot before and lived. This was barely a deep scratch. Dude, come here." He whispers and gestures me to go down lower. I lower my face near his. He does what I would never expect him to do.

  He slaps me. "Go help Sarah you dimwit! The rest of the band is going to show up any second now and-" he stops as a arrow lands next to me, missing me by about three inches.

  The girl stands nearby with her bow in hand. "I'm only going to say this once," she says scolding like,"what is going on here?!"

Do you have any ships? Comment and tell me who you ship!
Parker + Tori
Louie +Teresa
Tori + Teresa
Alexander + Tori
Sarah + Louie
Alexander + Sarah
Teresa + Parker
Tori + Louie
Teresa + Alexander
Louie + Alexander

You name it, I probably have already thought of it!

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