A Wooden Swan

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Tori's P.o.V

  "Wake up, breakfast." I open my eyes and see Louie standing in front of me. I'm really sore from sitting in the same position for almost a full day.
" You feed your hostages?"

"Only if we need them alive. Do you want some or not?" He offers what looks like hard bread. I want to decline his offer but my stomach protests against my pride.

  "Please, " I say," and could you untie me for a while? I'm really sore."

  "Fine, Teresa!" He calls. Teresa comes out of her tent with bread in her hands.

  "What?" She says, obviously annoying. I'd be upset if someone interrupted my meal too.

  "Untie her and keep her close by, watch her closely too." He looks at me straight in the eye."If she tries anything, kill her."

  I gulp, but am still thankful that the rope was finally off. I stretched and ate. Teresa just sat down, saying nothing. I can't stand silence.

  "Do you want me to call you Teresa or Thalassa?"

  "Teresa, Thalassa reminds me of my old life."

  "Sorry, let's talk about something else." I look around and realize that at least 10 of the men in the camp were around our age. "Do you like anyone here?"

  "Love them? No." she thinks for a second," Like them as friends... also no. They're all cowards. Watch." She stands up and marches toward the closest one nearby. "What are you doing?" She asks him angrily.

  "I'm... I'm just..." He tries to talk.

  "Nothing! You're doing nothing! Go pick up sticks in the camp and throw them into the fire! I want this camp stickless!" He quickly nods his head and runs to the closest stick.

  "Impressive." I say when she returns.

  "It's my form of revenge."

  "What did they do? I thought only Louie did things."

  "When they got me, they were ruthless . I was going to the nearest town to trade some things my mother had carved. She made beautiful designs, each taking her almost 3 full days to complete. They ambushed me, one pushed me off the horse, three grabbed me, and the rest raided the wagon. They took everything, the food, the designs, the horse, even me. They took me to their camp and tossed my mother's designs into the fire, laughing every time I begged them to stop. They put a knife to my throat threatening to find everyone I love if I ran away. So I never did."

  "So you don't have any reminders from your home?"

  She pulled a small piece of wood from her pocket. " I was ordered to put out the fire as soon as I began to calm down. They threw this one at the fire and missed, it's a little burnt at the edge here, but it's priceless too me." It was a wooden swan, covered in beautiful and delicate patterns. I felt so bad for her, she had a past of happiness and now she lives with Louie. Talk about a downgrade.

  "Teresa if I ever have a good plan to escape, would you help me and go with me as well?"

  "You can bet your life on it."

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