The Dungeon

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Parker's P.o.V

  "Is he alive?" I hear Teresa ask, her voice shaking. I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids feel heavy.

  "I hear him breathing, check his pulse!" Sarah says. Someone's hand quickly goes to my wrist. I flinch, his hands are cold. That's what brings me to my senses. I quickly feel cold and dehydrated. My head is hurting, and memories pop up quickly.

  I see the guards emerging from the bushes. I hear a yell, something about the princess. I almost could feel the hands quickly taking hold of mine. I see them do the same to Teresa. Tori is being surrounded...

  "Tori!" I yell as I sit up. Well, try to. Alexander was bent over me taken my pulse, and I crashed into his head with mine as I got up.

  "Ow! What the -"

  "Parker! I look around and see we're in a dungeon. Alexander and I are in one cell, Sarah and Teresa in the one next to us.

  "Teresa!" I try to run to the next cell, but I'm weak. I collapse right next to it. Teresa kneels down next to me, only the bars are between us.

  "Don't run, you are going to hurt yourself even more."

  "You lost a lot of blood, the hit to the head was brutal."

  "I heard you ask for Tori, she's fine. " I look into Teresa's big beautiful brown eyes, she turns away. "She was taken into her royal bedroom chamber, her parents are probably trying to calm her down from all the trama she went though." She looks back at me, trying to smile.

  "I thought so, at least one of us is safe." I take a deep breath, trying to recollect my courage. " You will return to Greece," I use up all my courage," Thalassa. I promise."

  She stands up and looks down at me for a second and turns away from me. "Do not call me that, I'm Teresa for everyone else besides my parents."

  "Could you help him Alexander?" I hear Sarah ask quietly. Alexander limps over to me, and I remember the gash in his leg. He tries to pull me up, but I push him away.

  "You need your strength." I manage to say through all my pain.

  "Why? So I can rot in this place feeling strong?" He says as he sits down next to me.

  Sarah seems to read my mind as she says," No, so we can escape."

Who's your favorite character? Mine is Sarah :) (And Parker too! ) Comment yours!

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