Chapter Three: A Killer Joy

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Darcie was surprised as Era walked up and requested a table for four, and even more so as the three teens slid into a booth and began to browse the menu.

Era looked from her menu to Darcie, “Aren’t you going to sit?” she asked shifting her electric gaze from Darcie to the empty seat next to her.

Darcie nodded and slid next to Era.  She looked at her menu but didn’t pick it up, her stomach growled but she didn’t feel like eating.  “If I can’t ask about the...the big picture then can I ask you” she asked looking down at her menu.  

She heard Era put her menu back on the table, “Sure.  What do you want to know about us?”

“Your parents?” Darcie asked hesitantly.

“That’s in the restricted category.” Mo said not looking away from his menu.

“Well...” Darcie began, “Do you have the same parents?  Are you siblings?”

Era gave a short laugh, “No, none of us are related.”

“Well...” Thane murmured.

“Don’t!” Era warned, “Next question.”

Darcie looked up at Mo and Thane.  Mo, who sat on the outside of the booth, had his head in the menu while Thane twirled a knife behind the fingers of his right hand.

“What are your real names?” she said softly.

Thane stopped twirling the knife and grasped it firmly in his hand while Mo looked up from his menu; both of their gazes went to Era.  

“We already told you." Era said shortly.

“But are they your actual name?  Your full, real names?” Darcie asked.

Era sighed, “No.  They’re nicknames.”

“What...what are your real names then?”

“Ernestine Shade.” Era said, she looked over at Mo.

“Mortimer Grave.” Mo said.

“Thanatos Demise.” Thane said as he began to once again twirl the knife.

“Dark names.” Darcie said.

“We have to live with it, what about you?  Darcie short for anything?” Mo asked, his hazel eyes focused on her with such intensity she wanted to look away.

“No.  Not that I know of anyway.” Darcie said, she bit her lip for a moment then stopped.  “Alright, why do you wear those pendants around you necks?”

“It’s a fashion statement.” Mo smiled.

Thane rolled his eyes while Era smirked, “It’s confusing to explain and...”

“Welcome to Peter’s Pizza, what will you be having today?” a blond teenage girl asked holding a notepad and pen.  From her expression Darcie could tell she didn’t want to be spending her friday evening working.

“One large cheese, half of a pepperoni with the other half being an everything.” Era said grabbing the menus and handing them to the girl.

“And you can pay, right?” she asked skeptic of the teens in the booth, Darcie couldn’t blame her.

Era zipped down her leather jacket and reached in, she pulled out fifty dollars in tens.  “Good enough for you?” she scowled at the girl who quickly turned and left.

“Woop!  That showed her.” Mo smiled leaning back into the booth.

“Showed her what?  That Era is a scary chick who could probably kill you without even trying?” Thane questioned.

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