Chapter Thirty-Four: The Guardian and The Grave

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Mo followed Aletta through the slightly opened back door of the building.  He attempted to close the door but a thick layer of rust wouldn't allow him to do so.

"Leave it.  We can leave no trace, Demi-Reaper."

Mo nodded and followed, "By the way, my name's Mortimer Grave.  Call me Mo though." Mo smirked.

    Aletta ignored him and continued forward.

    “So, are you like David’s daughter or something?  Or like niece?” he asked, “It’s cool if you are, I just was curious and...”

    Aletta spun around and put a hand over his mouth, “Mo, we have to be quiet.  Do you understand?”

    Mo nodded, and Aletta removed her hand.  She turned back and continued forward.

    Mo sighed and followed behind, he knew when someone was giving him a hint to shut up.  He looked at the hallway of the building trying to ease his wandering mind.  

    A few of the light still worked, while a few flickered as if they were on their own deathbed.  The thought sent a chill up Mo’s spine; sure, he was part death, but even he didn’t like to think about it.  

Besides the lights, there was nothing abnormal; the interior of the building looked what he imaged a factory, or storage warehouse to look like after it’d been abandoned for quite sometime.

    Mo watched the Dark Angel that scouted in front of him as she peered around the corner.  

She stopped and looked back at him, “Mo, come here.”

He jogged up next to her and looked around the corner; a pair of metal double doors stood at the end of second hallway, “Why’d we stopped?” he asked.

Aletta’s dark eyes narrowed, “There’s a Reaper in there.” she said shortly.

Mo looked at her then to the doors, “Friendly or hostile?”  

“Both.  There’s one roaming, the other is in a cage.”

“And a Demi-Reaper?” Mo asked hesitantly.

Aletta nodded, “But not exactly in the room...she’s...” Aletta turned and looked down the opposite hall, “She’s there.”

Mo looked back to see Kali, hands on her hips like they had just interrupted something.

“Damn it.  I was hope you’d be Thane.” Kali scowled.

Mo raised an eyebrow in question, “So suddenly Thane’s better than me?” Mo laughed, “No, I mean, come on!  Look at me.”

Kali rolled her eyes and flipped her Scythe Stone.  She clutched her knife tightly in her right hand, “I could care less about you.  I’ll make sure you die in pain with a look of horror on your face.  Now, if you were Thane then maybe I’d try to do less damage; wouldn’t want to hurt that pretty face, now would we?”

Aletta stepped forward, “You are Kaliya Black?  Demi-Reaper, daughter of the Reaper Blaike?”

Kali glared at Aletta, “Yeah, so?  I’m still gonna kill you.”

Aletta smirked, “No.  No, you’re not.” she looked at Mo, “I suspect you can handle the Demi-Reaper?”

Mo looked at Aletta for a moment then back to Kali, “Go on ahead.” he smiled deviously.

Aletta nodded, turning on her heels she ran toward the room where a Reaper lay in wait, and another caged.  As the doors opened and closed Mo felt a slight change in air pressure, as if some of the air had been sucked out of the hall.

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