Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lady Damaris

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Darcie saw trees like those in the Observatory, however, these trees were different.  While the trunks were obviously silver the leaves appear to be made of thin, delicate black glass.  Darcie saw Elvira out of the corner of her eye; the Reaper stared at the trees in amazement, an emotion Darcie believed the Reaper didn't have the capability of displaying.

Lavernia looked back at them, "Elvira, remember those are the works of the winged beasts."

Elvira looked away from the trees and bowed her head, "I apologize.  They are indeed beasts, but of angelic power and beauty."

Lavernia looked from Elvira to Darcie then back to Elvira, "You would be wise as to not compliment them in their Lady's presence."

Elvira looked at Darcie, "I am aware.  I again apologize."

Lavernia nodded in acceptance to the Reaper's word and continued forward.  

Darcie felt herself testing the dark wings that sprouted from her back, a sharp pain shot through her back causing Darcie to want to yelp out.  

Images flickered through Darcie’s mind as she remembered Elvira's vines crushing the dark wings on her back after the Reaper had killed the Dark Angel Aletta.  It was coming back to her slowly; the Reapers ambushing her and Aletta, Damien and Valcon threatening their lives, their almost escape that ended in the death of Aletta, her wings being crushed by Elvira, and finally Lavernia.  She remembered the last thing Lavernia had said to her, or rather whoever had control of her body.  Lavernia had said that she was to show them where the Divinus Ensis was.  The Divine Sword.

Darcie felt the air become warm and pleasant.  She focused on the scene in front of her to find the side of a black marble mountain in which silver vines with small multi colored gem flowers covered it’s side weaving in and out of each other.

“You, Damaris, will open this cavern and lead us to the Divinus Ensis.”

Darcie felt herself smirk, “If you knew where the sword was then why did you not get the sword yourself?” she heard herself say.

Lavernia scowled at Darcie, or rather the Lady of Darkness named Damaris.  “You know why.  If a Reaper was to even try to open this forsaken cavern they would be cursed!”

Darcie shook her head, “No, they would be gifted with abilities.”

“Cursed abilities.” Damien said from behind Darcie, “If we dare try to go toward the Divinus Ensis we will perish.”

Lavernia nodded, “The marked cannot get near the cavern without feeling pain, if they dare enter they would surely perish.” she paused, “But you knew this, Lady of Darkness, you are the guardian of this sacred blade after all.”

Darcie slowly closed her eyes, “And you slaughtered my people to obtain it?  Slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Dark Angels so that you could kidnap me, force me to open the cavern, and gain the war’s spoils?  Surely you could have simply asked and not have wasted so many of your people.”

Darcie heard and felt a hard slap across her face; Darcie opened her eyes to see Lavernia in front of her, jaw tight as she bit down in anger.  “Do not insult me.  Do not mock me.  I have lost more than simply people, members of my kind.  I have lost friends, allies, Reapers of significance.”

Darcie felt her face tighten, “And you think I have not lost members of my own kind who are personally significance to me?  It is true as a Lady of Darkness I live isolated, but I knew the kindness of a family.  My predecessor, Lady of Darkness Adria of Pacem, was a mother to me; it was the Reapers who killed her, it was you who ended her life so that you could begin this bloody war.  The Reapers are responsible for the deaths for two others.  A protector of mine, Jaron, was a father to me; he was killed by a Reaper, by you, Reaper Valcon.  My guardian, Aletta of Custodis, was a close friend; she was killed by a Reaper as well not that long ago, by you, Reaper Elvira.”

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