Chapter Four Part One - Invitations For Shoe-Shoe

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Chapter 4.1 – Invitations For Shoe-Shoe

In my nightmare it was very dark and dank and lacking any sign of alcohol. The only light to be seen in my unconsciousness seemed to be radiating from Eduardo's skin. I couldn't see his face, just his sexy back, as he walked away from me, leaving me in the blackness. No matter how fast I tried to run, I couldn't catch up to him and the tequila bottles under foot kept pitching me over; no matter how loud I called, he never turned.

Troubled, I woke in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep again so I reached for my Sippy cup, which was now topped up with single malt Whiskey. For what seemed like a very long time, I lay there, thinking about Eduardo and whether or not this whiskey tasted watered down...Sharlie’s been in here. From that night on Eduardo made cameo appearances in my dreams nearly every night, but always on the periphery, never within reach and for some reason, he was always dressed. Not my normal kind of dreaming at all! Next thing I’ll be asking him about pizza toppings!

The month that followed the accident was uneasy, tense, and at first, embarrassing. To my dismay, I found myself the centre of attention for the rest of that week. Morgan was impossible, following me around, like a puppy obsessed with making amends to me somehow. I tried to convince him what I wanted more than anything else was for him to forget all about it, and leave me alone, or replace my bottle of rum. Especially since nothing had actually happened to me, apart from almost becoming road kill and Eduardo saving me, by pinning me to the ground with his strong, firm body. Mmmmmmm... But still Morgan remained insistent. He followed me between classes and sat at our now-crowded lunch table. Malibu and Tequila were even less friendly toward him than they were to each other, which made me worry that I'd gained another unwelcome fan.  Maybe if I hang around long enough in Rusty Spoons I could turn the whole school emo.... a plan was starting to form in my drunken, insane head.

No one seemed concerned about Eduardo, though I explained over and over that he was the hero, how he had pulled me out of the way and had nearly been crushed, too. I tried to be convincing. Bourbon, Malibu, Tequila, and everyone else always commented that they hadn't even seen him there till the van was pulled away. Maybe they’d been drinking too.

I wondered to myself why no one else had seen him standing so far away, before he was suddenly, impossibly saving my life. I realized the probable because no one else was as aware of Eduardo as I always was. No one else was watching him, stalking him the way I was. I wish he would just talk to me, or even spit in my hair. He never glanced my way anymore. LLL Even my normal liquid lunch didn’t help me anymore....

When he sat next to me in class, he would sit as far from me as the table would allow, he seemed totally unaware of my presence. The ignoring was killing me, making me want him more than ever. That was until I began a game of one sided tag. I would slowly inch slower to him, but like some freaky magnet, with every inch he would move away. I couldn’t help but laugh, by time the class was over Eduardo was sitting around the other side of the table. I wanted so very, very much to talk to him, and the day after the accident I tried and tried but somehow he always managed to escape. (Maybe I should put up traps?)

 I still was angry that he wouldn't trust me with the truth, even though I was keeping my part of the bargain flawlessly. But he had in fact saved my life, no matter how he'd done it. And, overnight, the heat of my anger faded into awed gratitude. What was wrong with me, I would probably start wearing pink soon. WHAT NNNOOOOOO, STUPID BRAIN, NOOOO PIIINNNNKKKKKKK!!!!

He was already seated when I got to Biology, looking straight ahead. I sat down,

expecting him to turn toward me. He showed no sign that he realized I was there!!

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