Chapter Five - Blood Type OH I'm Positive Alright

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Chapter 5- Blood Type OH I’m Positive Alright

 I was lucky; Mr. Banana wasn't in the room yet when I arrived. I dragged my partly sober ass into my seat; I should have known the evilness of drinking lemonade. I was starting to become aware of what was happening around me like, both Malibu and Frangelico were staring at me. Malibu looked resentful; Frangelico looked surprised, and slightly awed.

Mr. Banana came in the room then, calling the class to order. He was juggling a few small cardboard boxes in his arms. He put them down on Malibu's table, telling him to start passing them around the class. Please let it be alcoholic treats, nail varnish remover, paint stripper, board markers – anything!

"Okay, guys, I want you all to take one piece from each box," he said as he produced a pair of rubber gloves from the pocket of his lab jacket and pulled them on. The sharp sound as the gloves snapped into place against his wrists seemed ominous to me, it brought back painful memories of the gynaecologist, and I started to tremble.

"The first should be an indicator card," he went on, grabbing a white card with four squares marked on it and displaying it. "The second is a four-pronged applicator” he held up something that looked like a nearly toothless hair pick, I squeaked in fear. “And the third is a sterile micro lancet." He held up a small piece of blue plastic and split it open. The barb was invisible from this distance, but my stomach flipped. Now normally blood wouldn’t bother me, in truth I loved blood. But after a day like today, talking and drinking with Eduardo, it was beginning to catch up with me. Maybe it was the lemonade, poisoning my body, with its non-alcoholic content.

"I'll be coming around with a dropper of water to prepare your cards, so please don't start until I get to you." He began at Malibu's table again, carefully putting one drop of water in each of the four squares. "Then I want you to carefully prick your finger with the lancet…" He grabbed Malibu's hand and jabbed the spike into the tip of Malibu's middle finger. Oh no. Clammy moisture broke out across my forehead. What if I found out there was too much blood in my alcohol system, how would I survive.

"Put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs." He demonstrated squeezing Malibu's finger till the blood flowed. I swallowed convulsively, my stomach heaving.  "And then apply it to the card," he finished, holding up the dripping red card for us to see. I closed my eyes, trying to hear through the ringing in my ears. Damn it I will never drink lemonade again...unless laced with Malibu.

He continued through the room with his water drops. I put my cheek against the cool black tabletop and tried to hold on to my consciousness. All around me I could hear squeals, complaints, and giggles as my classmates skewered their fingers.

"Stella, are you all right?" Mr. Banana asked. His voice was close to my head, and it sounded alarmed.

"I already know my blood type, Mr. Banana, its 50% proof," I said in a weak voice. I was afraid to raise my head.

"Are you feeling faint?"

"Yes, sir, I think I might be sober sir. Please kill me now, sir." I muttered, internally kicking myself for not ditching when I had the chance.

"Can someone take Stella to the nurse, please?" he called.

I didn't have to look up to know that it would be Malibu who volunteered.

"Can you walk?" Mr. Banana asked.

"Yes, and in a straight line too, I bet." I whispered. Just let me get out of here, I thought.

Malibu seemed eager as he put his arm around my waist and pulled my arm over his shoulder. I leaned against him heavily on the way out of the classroom.

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