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Nicki 💋

"Can, come on I'm so excited."

"Me too. I'm going to be a God mommy!" Candi said doing a little dance.

Today I was finding out the gender of the baby, and I was nervous and excited.

"Hey, you can come on back!" My doctor said opening the door.

"So Ms.Onika, what are you hoping for?"

"It doesn't matter honestly. As long as my munchkin is healthy!" I smiled.

"Every mommy's dream." She said as she put the gel on my stomach.

"So here is the babies heart beat." Hearing it, made tears fall. 

It was amazing that I was carrying a little body inside of me.


"Quez!" I yelled.

I was at Quez' s house, because our parents were at work.

I heard him running. "What's wrong?" 

"Quez." I said crying, pulling his arm. I  had blood everywhere.

A month ago, I found out that I was pregnant. I hadn't told none of my mom or anyone, not even Meek. He would be the one to flip out. I was scared, I didn't know what to do. How was I suppose to take care of a child, when I was a child.

I had been having pains that whole day, and I didn't want to go to the doctor because then my mom would find out, I was pregnant.

"It's gonna be ok baby." He said pulling me in and I cried his chest.

The dream of being someone's mom was taken away from me. God had other plans and I had a miscarriage at 17. Maybe it was a sign from God, that we weren't ready.


It brought back so many memories. But on the same hand, I was glad to be having my first child with someone who I know would take a bullet for me.

Meek cared so much about me. He gave me love, no one had ever given me before. It filled the gap, of never having my father in my life. He filled the void with love.

"Nic, get it together." Candi handed me a tissue.

"Well Ms.Onika, it looks like your having a .."

Meek 🔌

"Daddy, when is M-Nicki coming back?" Papi whined.

"Soon Pap, she had some stuff to do."

Papi didn't even know that Nicki was pregnant and I couldnt make the appointment because of some business I had to handle.

He pouted. "Pap, sit down, let me talk to you."

He climbed in my lap. "So what you think about Nicki?"

"I love her, she's funny and nice to me. She like the mommy I don't have."

"But Pap, you have a mom." He shook his head. I ran my hands over my face.

"Daddy, I like Nicki better. She care about me."

"Papi, I understand that. Just don't forget that you have a mommy ok?"

"So Nicki can't be my mommy?" He pouted.

"No, she is. I mean she can be ok? But remember you had a mommy before Nicki. Now Nicki is your second mom ok?"

He nodded. "So can I call her mommy instead of Nicki?" He smiled.

"You gotta ask Nicki that. I love you tho Pap."

"Love you too daddy." He leaned back on me watching tv.


"Hey Rihmeeks." Nicki said walking in the door.

"What's up baby where you been?"

"My appointment, I hung out with Candi and I went home." She sat on the couch next to me and Papi.

"Hey Nicki!" He said and kept watching tv.

"Did you tell him?" She whispered in my ear.  I shook my head.

I had forgot about telling Papi that Nicki was pregnant.

"Papi guess what?" He looked at me. "Nicki's having a baby." I said and he looked confused.

"How? She not big?" He said and we laughed.

"The baby is still growing Pap! So it'll be big and then it'll be here. But it's not finished cooking yet."

"Your going to be a big brother." I said and he grinned.

"So is it a girl or boy?" I looked at Nicki and she just rubber her stomach.

"How about you come tell me boot." He put his ear to her stomach and was making all these faces.

"It's going to be a boy. Can we make him Papi?"

She laughed. "No we can't name him Papi and no its not a boy!" She said and covered her mouth.

"It's a girl?" I asked.

"IT'S A GIRL!" She yelled smiling.

Excuse all errors . ❤

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