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What a fool I have been! My friends and I are now stuck here due to a stupid decision I made. Robin and I stood together while the others stood alone and cautious. "Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we need to get going." With a flick of his head, Red X, or Sullivan, teleported next to me and grabbed my arm. He teleported next to the man and we were facing the others. "Starfire no!" Robin started to run after me before I was transported through space, leaving my friends behind and myself alone with two people I did not know. The next thing I saw was a concrete room with a small lantern hanging in the far right corner of the room. The lantern shed a small amount of light into the dungeon-looking space and I saw a pair of chains next to the light. Sullivan forcefully dragged me towards the chains while I struggled to get out of his grasp. For some reason, I felt weak as I tried to shoot starbolts from both my hands and eyes. My head fell in defeat as I realized I had no power.
"Where are my powers?" My voice came out as a sort of growl as I tried to hide my fear from the man I once trusted. "This room is specially designed to prevent you from using your abilities to escape." My heart seemed to sink even farther into my chest and only now was I truly starting to feel the fear creeping through my veins. I did not even try to fight against Sullivan as he tightened the chains around my small wrists. He stared at me for a moment before disappearing from the room using his teleportation device on his belt. Maybe if I could somehow get ahold of the belt I could find a way to get out of here.

The next few days were torture. No one came in or out of the room and I had no food or water in three days. My lips were dry and cracked and my stomachs felt as though they were slowly starting to consume themselves. Sleep had slipped my mind as I had tried to stay awake in case anyone came into the room to check on me. My eyes slowly started to close when a flash of light caught my attention. I looked up to see Sullivan and the man who ultimately captured me staring at me with a smug smirk crossing his strong features. "Awe look at her brother, she's so weak and hungry. Dad will be so proud of us!" He let out a hearty laugh and danced just like he had at the dock. Normally I probably would have been shocked to find out that Sullivan was the brother of a criminal, but at this point I felt as though nothing could surprise me anymore.

If only that were true.


I squeezed my temples and blinked as I tried to stay awake and watch for any sign of Starfire. Her communicator had been turned off as soon as she left the tower, so there was no way of tracking her now. None of us had really slept in the last few days so things around the tower were tense. Cyborg was busy searching through traffic cams and store security cameras for any sign of our Starfire while BeastBoy was flying around the city as a bird looking for her as well. Raven had not left her room since Star was taken. She seemed to be having the most trouble since we lost her, she said that it was her fault for not telling Starfire and for being so cold towards her. I expected that I wouldn't be able to deal with the loss of the love of my life but somehow I was managing. I guess since I have been putting all of my time and thoughts into searching for her constantly, I hadn't really allowed myself to truly feel. To truly feel all of the hurt, the pain, and the sadness of losing the first person I had ever opened up to besides Bruce. We contacted him a day after the incident and he promised to keep an eye out and look but I knew Bruce, I knew that she wasn't his top priority. The computer screen in front of me remained the same as it had been the last few days, a blank map with no signal from a communicator.
My web browser was full of multiple pages researching the unknown man that had taken her but there was absolutely no information on him. No birth certificate, no hospital records, not even a jail record. It was as if he didn't even exist. I guess it is kind of hard to find someone you don't know the name of. I did know however, that Red X was his partner and they were working for someone. That was at least a good start.

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