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We spent the next few days waiting for our other guests to arrive while Bruce sat alone in his room trying to come up with a plan. We offered to help but he said this was personal since the Joker was involved so he wanted some time alone to plan. Our tower had been destroyed minutes after we escaped and it was all over the news. People were mourning for the Teen Titans. Dead flowers littered the streets in our memory and countless posters had been printed in an effort to show respect. I felt guilty almost, for letting them believe that their heroes were dead, but Dick said we had no other choice, if the Joker found out that we were still here then it would just complicate things even more than they already were. Dick and I have been sleeping in the same bed for the last three nights because we both helped ease our nightmares almost into nonexistence. Silkie was doing well, he was a little shaken up due to our sudden move but now that he was able to sleep with me again and roam the house freely, his nerves seemed to have vanished. My nerves were still through the roof, as were everyone else's, but we had each other and the help from other heroes who were much stronger than us so the anxiety was easier to deal with. Everything seemed to be calm for the moment, at least until that night. Dick and I were in bed and his arms were wrapped protectively around me and my head was laid against his chest, my eyes were closed as I listened to his even breathing. I was just about to fall asleep when the door burst open with a bright green flash. Dick immediately jumped up and instinctively placed me behind his back in an effort to protect me. The figure was large and hidden behind shadows as they raised their hand in an effort at threatening us, a familiar green light started to form and I couldn't help the gasp that came from my mouth. "Give her to me now. It's in everyone's best interest and I promise you that no harm will come to the princess." Where is everyone? Why is the Batman not here?
As if reading my thoughts, a loud alarm sounded and the intruder immediately tensed and took a step closer.
"I do not want to hurt you, give me the princess."
"Go to hell, I will not lose her again."
My heart melted and for a moment I forgot that we were in danger as I looked at Dick with admiration.
A flash of green light slammed Dick into the wall behind me and I screamed in concern. "Robin!" He struggled to get up and I turned to help him when the figure grabbed me by my waist. I screamed in fear and started punching the intruder with all of my strength. "No, not again!" The person threw me over their shoulder as they started to fly out of the room. My fists pounded at their large back but it barely made him move. I had almost lost hope until I heard the sound of my friends.
"Let her go now!" Batman. "No, let me go, I'm trying to help her and I promise I will return her as soon as we finish."
"No one is taking her!" That was Cyborg.
The intruder groaned in annoyance and blew a hole in the ceiling before flying out with me continuing to pound at his back. "Relax Princess, we're not going to hurt you." I didn't have time to respond before the person gave me a shot of some sort and the world around me spun as I lost consciousness. Not again.


My grappling hook wrapped around the large figure's leg and he dropped a little with the weight of my body being carried. "Let her go asshole!" He continued to fly and ignored me. It wasn't until we were above the clouds and a large ship entered my view that I really started to worry. However, this ship looked familiar to me, I couldn't place where I had seen it, but I know it didn't belong to a bad guy. "Who are you?" The thing didn't even turn to me as he answered my question. "I am Galfore, Princess Koriand'r's Gnorfka." Then I remembered where I had seen the ship. On Tameran when we followed Starfire to her planned wedding that thankfully never happened. She handed her throne to Galfore. Before I had a chance to reply, my body landed with a thud onto the metal floor of the ship. I looked up to see him place an unconscious Starfire onto a gurney-looking thing that had padding and he placed a large blanket over her sleeping form. "What did you do to her? Why is she unconscious?"
I started to walk towards her but he blocked my path with one step. "Relax boy, I gave her a powerful tranquilizer so that she can remain asleep while we help her regain her powers. My face immediately brightened as I realized what that meant. "She's going to be normal again? The same old Starfire?" He simply nodded before gesturing me to her side as a handful of other Tameranian doctors proceeded to place IV's into her wrist and some cords onto her forehead. They also proceeded to change her into a gown, I ignored the fact that they were stripping my girlfriend in front of me. "Those are to monitor her brain waves and the IV's are to ensure that she is receiving plenty of fluid. We are going to put her into a chamber with a concentrated light of the sun and the stars. This is how our ancestors initially gained their powers. They fed off of the natural light of space. Whenever they felt weak, they would take a few days to just sit in the rays of the bright sun to replenish their powers. The princess received her abilities through birth so there has never been a need for her require the sun and the star's energy. After this procedure however, she will need to replenish her energy every month or so depending on how much she uses; her abilities may also be a bit stronger than they used to be."
My mind reeled as I took in this information, her species really was in a word, beautiful. They got their powers from the natural light of space, that's incredible!
I spent the next two hours watching Starfire's brain waves on a monitor and trying not to look into the chamber into the burning light. It amazed me that she was able to practically sit on the sun without suffering a single burn. I sent Bruce and everyone else a message on the communicator letting them know what was going on. I got various responses, all of them joyful, and I couldn't help but laugh at BeastBoy's excited emoji face. "She's ready to
be woken up now, Mr. Robin, she will most likely be scared when she wakes up so it would be best for you to be there for her." It was a doctor that tore my attention from the communicator and my face held the largest smile that it had in a long time. I couldn't believe that Starfire was going to be normal again, I can't imagine how happy she will be when she wakes up to realize this. The doctors wheeled her gurney/bed out of the chamber and turned off the energy, my eyes were burning now that I was able to only see the natural lights in the ship; no longer having to adjust to the abnormal brightness of the sun. They slowly put a needle into her IV and inserted what I assumed to be a medicine to wake her up. This should be fun.

Ayeee I'm still here- and my book is rated #1 in the Robstar category so that's freaking awesome. It's not a huge hashtag but it's still really cool. Thanks again to all of y'all who have stuck with me even though I'm awful at updating lol, but now that she has her powers back, things are going to get intense. I won't spoil anything for you but I will say that it will be lots of fun to write. :)

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