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My mind moved at a thousand miles per hour as I tried to find all of the supplies. Dick was laying on the medical table holding his hand over his chest; trying to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. It wasn't working however and I knew that I needed to get started as soon as I could. I finally found the stitching supplies and put some blue latex gloves on before grabbing a few antiseptic cloths to clean the wound. It was a good ten minutes before I was able to actually see the intrusions on his chest and my heart beat incredibly fast due to my nervousness. His eyes were closed and his breathing had slowed, but he was still awake, just very weak. He will need blood as well. "Dick, I'm going to stitch you up and then I'm going to get you some blood transfusions ok?" He was only able to groan in reply. Raven's instructions rattled through my mind as I tried to focus on one at a time, I had already cleaned it as well as I could so now I had to start the actual stitching; there was no time for any numbing agents. As soon as the sharp needle pierced his already broken skin, his head picked up from the table and his eyes became wide with fright. "Hey it's ok, it's just me and I'm going to stitch you all up so you can get better." He only groaned two times throughout the stitching and I know that's because he has gotten stitches countless times before. When I had finally finished, the wounds weren't pretty but they were good enough to keep him stable. By now Dick was barely conscious and although I was worried, I had to push my feelings to the back of my mind so that I could treat him well. I hurried to the cooler at the back of the room and retrieved a bag of his blood; we had some of his in supply because after all, he was the only human on our team. As soon as I hooked the IV up and placed the needle in his veins, the color immediately started to return to his face and I was able to let out a breath of relief. He fell asleep and I was sitting by his side with his good hand in mine when the others returned, very loudly. They all came to the room and Raven started to get some more stitching supplies out. BeastBoy had a pretty bad gash on his shoulder and I saw blood dripping from beneath Raven's cloak. She didn't seem concerned however, because she went straight to fixing BeastBoy. Cyborg came in to check on Dick but he quickly left, I'm assuming he was going to replace his missing arm. "What happened?"
BeastBoy quickly responded to my question.
"Dude, I don't know, we showed up expecting to find a group of thugs but we were met with a new team."
"The Joker is behind it, there were a bunch of people that looked like they were mutated, one of them had your powers Star." My mind went into panic mode at the mention of the Joker and my breathing became even faster when she mentioned that they were using MY powers against my own team.
"We need to gather our things and leave, fast, I have no doubt that The Joker has us on his list of people to kill, and I'm sure he will want some of our abilities as well."
Raven was right. I kissed Robin on his forehead and quickly rushed to my room to gather my things. I packed my suitcase with a few pairs of clothes and all of my toiletries. I did the same with Robin, making sure to include all of his weapons as well. When I walked into the medical room I was surprised to see Robin awake and on his communicator. "Robin, thank zal, you are awake! Who are you talking to?"
"Batman, he's agreed to let us stay in the cave until we come up with a plan, he's also agreed to help us."
A sigh of relief fell from my lips and for a moment I felt as though things would be ok; that was until an explosion from below shook the tower. "Help me up Star, we need to leave now!"
I assisted Robin and we made our way to the living room to meet the others. "I'll teleport us to the garage, we'll grab the T-car and head towards the cave." Within a moment, all of us were in our underground garage and getting into the vehicle. We were lucky enough to have a road to the city set beneath the tower and under the water. It only took ten minutes at the fast speed we were traveling to make it to the woods. Cyborg had enabled the vehicle to be invisible to the outside world when needed so we didn't have to worry about being spotted. "Stop!" Cyborg slammed on the breaks causing all of us to fly forward in our seats. "What's up Robin?"
"I need to do something before we go in, sorry."
None of us had time to respond before Dick placed a mask on his face and released a gas of some type. Everyone fell asleep first and my eyes got heavy within seconds. "What..."
I just remember seeing his mask before drifting into a deep sleep.

He was here. I could feel it. I could hear his sinister laughs filling the air as I wandered around the abandoned tower. Everyone was dead. I had seen him kill every one of my teammates and he had saved Dick for last. The Joker made his death the most gruesome. He had Harley hold me back as he slit his throat. All I could see was the blood and his blue eyes before he fell to the ground in a heap. I had managed to stab Harley in the leg with a pocket knife before bolting away from the two of them.
"Koriand'r, we know you're here. We can feel your fear. We can feel your sadness. What? Are you sad that we killed all of your friends? That's ok, they are better off dead and away from you. It's not like you could have helped them anyways, you're useless without your powers."
I could hear his heeled shoes clack against the tile and my hand flew to my mouth in an attempt to stifle my cries. The tears were streaming down my face now and I couldn't  control the small whimper that fell from my lips.
It was only a second later when the Joker's face flew in front of me under my bed.
"Peekaboo sweet heart!"

"Wake up Starfire! Come on!"
That was not Dick's voice, it was deeper, and more sinister.
My eyes snapped open and I looked around to find that I wasn't in a familiar place. I jumped from the couch I was laying on and grabbed my pocket knife before running to the other side of the room in an attempt at escaping my captors. The corner was dark and I made a weak slash into the air with my knife before hands grabbed me by my arms. I kept my eyes closed because I didn't want to see anymore evil eyes.
"No, no! Let me go please! No, not again! No no no no..."
The person continued to shush me and hold me still. My knife fell and I finally allowed my body to relax. "Star, it's ok, it's just Batman."
I slowly opened my eyes to see the all mighty Batman holding me still while my other teammates stood behind him, staring at my deranged appearance.
"We made it?"

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