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One week. It had been one week since Starfire was taken. None of us had slept very much since then so eventually the others had finally allowed themselves to take a break and rest, at least for a few hours. Raven had strongly encouraged me to rest as well but there was absolutely no way I could even if I tried. My eyes burned and my head ached yet I kept my eyes focused on the computer screen in front of me. I had been staring at the same traffic camera for the last two hours for any sign of Starfire or the men who took her. If only there was some way I could find any clue as to where she was taken. It's hard enough to have someone you love taken from you but to not know where they are makes the pain ten times worse. As hard as I tried to keep my eyes open and my mind focused, I couldn't help myself as my vision blurred and the world went black as I fell unconscious from lack of sleep.

"Starfire, where are you!" My hurried steps echoed down the long hallway as I ran to try and find Starfire. I paused when I heard a loud laugh from the end of the hall and immediately ran towards the sinister sound. When I made it and turned the corner, my mouth fell open at the sight in front of me. Sullivan was hunched over an unconscious Starfire with his lips roughly against hers. "Get the hell off of her!" I started to run at him but all he did was look up at me with a smirk while he let one of his hands fall towards the bottom of her dress. It wasn't her uniform, it was a nightgown that she often wore when she was tired of pajama pants or shorts; she also wore it to tease me a few times. After what seemed like minutes of running towards them, my fist was finally able to collide with the bastard's face and it sent him flying hard to the ground. He didn't move so I took the opportunity to swoop Starfire into my arms. Her body was totally limp as I tried to run towards the exit before Sullivan recovered, but of course I had no such luck as I was tackled to the ground. My arms clung as tight as they could to her body but it wasn't enough to keep her from flying out of my arms and onto the hard floor beneath us. She hit the ground hard and I couldn't help but gasp when I saw her head take the most damage as it slammed against the concrete and I was able to see the small trickle of blood before Sullivan turned me around. His fist collided with my jaw before I could do anything and a loud grunt left my lips as I stumbled backwards to try and regain my balance. He was about to land another blow but was cut off with a familiar green blast of light that I loved so much. His body hurled back into the wall and I knew he was unconscious because of the way his body immediately went limp. I turned back just in time to see Starfire start to fall forward. My arms instinctively reached forward and I barely caught her weak body before it hit the ground. I knelt to the ground with her in my arms and I held her as close to my body as I could as her green eyes looked into my masked ones. "R-Robin, is it really you?" A tear escaped from the corner of her eye and fell down her dirt-covered cheek as I wiped it away with my gloved hand. "Yeah baby, it's me." She smiled and I couldn't help the smile that immediately covered my face. I was now able to examine her more and it was now that I noticed how much she had been hurt in the week she had been gone. Several cuts and bruises covered her arms and legs and she was skinnier, much skinnier. Her cheeks were now hollow and her lips were chapped, but that didn't keep me from crashing mine against them. She returned my eager kiss with as much strength she could muster and although it wasn't very much, it was just enough to make my heart flutter in my aching chest. We pulled away, breathless and just stared at each other in awe. "I have wanted to do that all week." She smiled before placing her small, cold hand on my warm cheek. I placed my hand over hers and leaned into it. "Robin, I wish I could come back with you, I don't want to wake up in that place again." My eyes scrunched together in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm dreaming." Her smile disappeared and she shook her head. "Well yes you are dreaming, but Raven somehow found a way to connect us when we are asleep at the same time. I am assuming that she did not tell you." My stomach dropped and a spark of anger ignited when I realized that she hadn't told me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that she has enabled us to have this time but if she would have told me, I would have actually gone to sleep like a normal person if there was a chance I could see Star. "No, she didn't. So how did you know about this? How did she tell you?" She sighed and took a deep breath. "Well, she contacted me in a dream last night and told me, but the conversation was very vague because it took nearly everything in her to get to me. She said it had taken her three days of meditating just to break through to me." That explains why she was shut away in her room for so long. "We only have until one of us wakes up to be together." My heart fell into my stomach and I held her to my chest. "Let's not ever wake up. Let's just stay here together forever." I looked down at her face and once again I ran my hand over he unusually pale cheek. "God, what did he do to you?" Her eyes glistened as she tried to hold back her tears. "Hey, shh, it will be alright sweetheart. We are going to bring you home. I promise." She shuddered and let herself relax in my arms. "I know that you will, the only thing I don't know is how much longer I can take this. It's not only Sullivan and Danny who took me-" "Danny?" She caught onto my question and sighed once again. "Danny was the other man with Sullivan. Which leads me to tell you that the-" she was suddenly cut off when an invisible force sent her head flying to the side. She gasped and tears immediately started to fall. "Star, what is going on?" She shuddered in fear and grasped onto my shirt with all of her strength. "T-they are trying to wake me up, I don't want to go back Robin! Please do not let me go back!" I pulled her close and held her shaking body against mine. "Starfire listen to me, you have to stay strong, not only for me, but for the rest of the team and Jump City too. We need you and we will find you. I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this sweetheart." She was only able to peck me on the lips one more time before she disappeared from my arms, leaving them empty and cold. The rest of my sleep was filled with nothing but pure darkness as I waited for myself to wake up.

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