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Batman wasn't as intimidating as he appeared to the world. He was very kind and after my episode, he offered me a blanket and a mug of chamomile tea; something I wouldn't expect the "bat" to have. His butler, Albert, was amazing as well. He helped Raven deal with her injuries and continued to help Dick with his. We were sat on a couch now with a small fireplace lighting up the dim room. There was just enough light to see the faces of my teammates, but that was all I could see.
"We need a plan."
Everyone turned to Batman and Cyborg's eyebrows scrunched together as he thought about what to do.
"The Joker has obviously teamed up with some sort of genius to use your powers to his advantage. I have no doubt that he will try to do the same with the rest of you."
Everyone simply nodded their heads in agreement.
"Is there anyway that we can get some help? No disrespect sir, but I feel like the battle ahead is going to be way too difficult for us to handle by ourselves."
Robin was right, there was no way that we could beat the Joker with our small team, especially if he was in the process of taking more abilities from us.
"I agree Robin, the only way to beat him is if we gather a team. I've already contacted Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Superman." My heart sped up at the mention of Superman, the picture Joker held of him flashed through my mind.
"Sir, when the Joker had me, he showed me a picture of Superman with red eyes and was indicating that they had already gotten his powers." Everyone looked at me with a confused and concerned expression.
"It was only a gag. Superman is fine, I spoke to him this morning. The Joker was probably just trying to scare you."
Well, he did.
"Well that's great, I think that we can handle anything if we have everyone together." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with BeastBoy.
"I will speak with them some more tonight and we can all hopefully meet-"
Batman was interrupted with the sound of his doorbell.
We all looked at each other and my knee instinctively started bouncing in nervousness.
"It's the Flash sir."
"Of course he would get here that fast. I only spoke to him an hour ago."
I stifled a laugh as I watched Albert head up the stairs. Only a moment later did I see a flash of color before a man stood before Batman with a large grin on his face.
"Hello Barry, nice to see that you got here so quickly."
The rest of the night was calm. We talked about possible plans and I was able to spend some time alone with Batman to talk about what I experienced and saw when I was gone. He took everything I said very seriously and even offered me his personal phone number so I could talk to him if I needed to. The Flash, Barry Allen, was a peculiar man. He had a good sense of humor and was always trying to make us laugh. I quite enjoyed my first night in the Batcave; which is something I never thought I would say.
"Star, this will be your room tonight, feel free to call if you need anything." I just smiled at Bruce, that's what he told me to call him, and closed the door behind him. My temporary room was quite big. A massive bed sat in the center with cream colored sheets covering it and fluffy pillows stacked upon each other. There was a small bathroom with a shower in the corner and I quickly helped myself to it as I washed the stress from the day away. If only it were actually that easy. I looked down as I washed my hair to see the many scars that littered my skin, the J on my wrist sticking out more than any of the others. My eyes closed and I tried to focus on scrubbing the shampoo into my wet hair. A knock on the door startled me and it took me a moment to realize that Robin was saying my name.
"Star? Can I come in?"
I did my best to rinse my hair but there was still soap in it.
"Uh yeah."
I heard the door creak open and I could see his figure behind the shower curtain.
"Hey do you think I could sleep with you tonight? It's still a little weird to be back here."
I could hear how awkward he felt asking me this but I paid no mind, after all, he has comforted me many times in the last few months. "Yeah, sure. I'm almost done and then I'll be out."
"Alright, thanks Star."
I heard the door close behind him and I felt relieved that he would be with me tonight. It is very intimidating to be in a new environment so having him around should definitely help calm my nerves.
I finished rinsing my body and hair one last time before shutting the water off and placing the fluffy towel around my body. When I went into my new room, I found Dick laying on his back on the bed. I made sure my towel was tight before walking over to him and gently pushing his hair from his face. His closed eyes opened to meet mine and he gave me a small smile before I leaned down to kiss it away. "I love you."
"I love you too Star."
"Hey, let me help you relax?"
His eyes went wide at my suggestion and I laughed before explaining what I meant.
"I mean, let me help you take a warm bath and I'll give you a massage too. Does that sound good?"
He just nodded his head before following me to the bathroom. "I'm going to get dressed but you can go ahead and get in."
I put on some pink pajama pants with a random t-shirt before returning to the bathroom to find him already in and with his head resting against the back of the tub. I spent the rest of the time gently massaging the shampoo and conditioner into his hair before rinsing it carefully to avoid getting it in his eyes. I let him wash his own body and I went ahead and laid some pajamas out for him. I was sitting on the bed brushing my hair when someone knocked on the door. When I answered it, I found Alfred on the other side with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. My stomachs immediately growled and I laughed in embarrassment. "Thank you Alfred, that's really kind of you."
"Of course miss, would you like me to bring master Grayson's meal as well?" I was about to ask how he knew that he was in here when I followed Alfred's eyes behind me to see Dick standing by the bed with a towel wrapped around his bottom half.
"Oh, um,-"
"Yes that would be great Alfred, thanks."
He returned a moment later with the other plate and I thanked him again before he left us alone. My cheeks blushed red as I realized that Alfred and Bruce would know that we were sleeping together. Dick noticed my demeanor and let out a laugh. "Don't worry, Bruce doesn't care, I've seen him bring plenty of girls home."
I couldn't help but laugh along with him as we ate dinner together on the bed. A small squeak got our attention and I jumped up when I realized that I forgot to let Silkie out of my suitcase! "Oh my little Bumgorf! I'm so sorry!" Silkie quickly wiggled from my suitcase as he basked in his new freedom. Oh my goodness. Dick just laughed at me for a moment before finishing his plate and although I felt bad about doing it, I giggled too.

I'm still here?!

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