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The moment her eyes closed and my name had just started to escape her chapped lips was the moment my world fell to pieces. Sure, she was supposedly going to be back home soon but she'll never be the same again. No powers and not to mention the fact that she will be traumatized for the rest of her life due to those monsters. She'll be miserable, and I should have been able to protect her.
A familiar pale face entered my vision and in that moment, if he was here right now it wouldn't have mattered that I am a hero, I would have killed him.
"Since I am being kind enough to bring her home, I can't bring her home with just a measly broken wrist can I?"
"Yes, yes you can!" I was shocked that BeastBoy was the one to say this, normally he shakes every time he sees a picture of him.
"Leave her alone, you've done enough!"
My face had a permanent scowl as my words came out like venom.
"No, I don't think I have, now, I'm going to hang up and do what I want. You can deal with whatever I decide to do when you see her in a few hours. Bye bye Titans!"
The screen went black and each of our shocked and worried faces were reflected from the small, shiny phone screen.
Without thinking, my hands started to pull my hair in a frustrated manner while I paced around the living room. The others were frozen in place and didn't seem to know what to do.
Raven was the first to speak up.
"Ok, we need to get the first aid set up and prepare for whenever she gets here, we don't know what condition she'll be in. BB, get the supplies for stitches, Cyborg, prepare the IV machine and the defibrillator just in case. I will set up a protection barrier that only Starfire can get through. Robin, you need to calm down and be ready to help her, she'll need you the most."
She's right. Everyone went to their positions and I continued to pace around the room, attempting to calm my racing thoughts. Time went by so slowly. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. Now we were all sat on the couches, my head was in my hands, BeastBoy and Raven were holding hands for comfort while Cyborg was simply sitting with his fisted hands at his mouth.
A flash of light made each of us turn our heads to the front window. I ran over to see a familiar frail body laying on the grass below.
"It's her!"
The elevator wasn't fast enough so Raven and I teleported down to her. It was so odd to see her right in front of me, she was actually here, and she was alive; but barely.
Her breathing was scarily slow and her chest barely moved as she took in each shallow breath. My hands shook as I stumbled over to her frail body. She was in worse condition than the last time I saw her. Her hair was tangled, and her body was terribly skinny. I could see her bones beneath the skin, each and every small curve and bump of bone just sticking out like a sore thumb. My fingers shakily moved a strand of her faded red hair from her battered face. It revealed a series of black and blue bruises covering her cheeks and one of her eyes.
"Robin come on, we'll examine her in the first aid room, now lets go!"
I picked her up in my arms and tried not to cringe at how light she was as Raven transported us to the first aid room. I quickly set her on the table and Raven immediately took charge by hooking her up to several different IV cords. Raven forced us to leave the room while she changed Starfire into some shorts and a sports bra so it would be easier to address her injuries. When I walked back in, I froze in place as I took in the full extent of her injuries. Bruises upon bruises covered nearly every inch of her skin and an especially large area of swelling covered one side of her ribs. I thought I had seen the entirety of her injuries until my eyes landed on something so horrifying and terrible that I fell to my knees. A large "J" was etched deeply into her wrist. The deep wound was still leaking fresh crimson blood onto the table underneath her.
"Cyborg, come hold some gauze over this thing until it stops bleeding, I can't stitch it, it's too detailed of a cut." Cyborg rushed to her side and did as he was told, the gauze was quickly soaked and ready for another pack within minutes.
I thought BeastBoy would have left by now but he shocked everyone as he helped Raven inspect for any broken bones.
"Her left ring finger is broken, pretty bad too." My eyes landed on it to see the mangled finger. It was obviously broken in several places as each joint was bent a different way; the condition of her body made me want to vomit, and that's exactly what I did. As soon as Raven started to mend to her broken wrist and I caught a glimpse of how swollen and bruised the limb was, I had to rush out of the room to the bathroom where I got sick. I heaved over the toilet for ten minutes but nothing ever came up, just burning stomach acid that left my throat raw.
I finished and slowly walked back into the room, Raven was the only one left.
"I sent the boys out but you can help me. Help me clean her up so I can make sure we've attended to everything that needs it." I just nodded my head and grabbed a wet rag from her blood covered hand. It was stained red within minutes but fortunately, it was only the remnants of wounds that we had already cleaned.
Soon, she was cleared of any blood and only left with the many bruises and the scabbed over J on her wrist. Overall she only needed ten stitches to fix a deep cut on her stomach and two more to seal a small cut above her eyebrow. Although she was in terrible state, she already looked ten times better than when we first got her three hours ago. The IV releasing water into her veins had now been changed out to a full bag and Raven had just given her a shot of morphine to try and rid some of the pain she was surely feeling.


My body ached everywhere and there was a searing pain on my left wrist. When he turned the machine off and I passed out, I was only asleep for a few minutes before I woke up to a beating. Everything was a blur but I do remember the pain, the agony, and the humiliation. I remember Luke coming in at some point and following in his brothers footsteps, I remember that part vividly. All of those memories were fresh and would forever remain clear in my damaged brain.
The first thing I heard as I started to wake up was Robin and Raven discussing something.
"...she will hurt and she will be haunted no doubt for the rest of her life. Only she truly knows what she went through so we can't judge her for any long-lasting effects she deals with."
Her voice faded away and for a few minutes I heard nothing, until the voice I had been craving to hear for hours made the volume return.
"Star, I don't know if you can hear me, but just know that I love you so much."
A sniffle surprised me and I quickly realized that the strong man that I had seen cry only twice before was now crying, and he was crying for me. A tear fell from my eye and I heard him gasp.
As hard as I tried, I couldn't get my eyes to open so I just laid there in silence and listened to him as he just mumbled sweet words to me for the next few hours. I prayed to every God that I would wake up soon so he could hold me in his arms again, but it felt like I would never wake up, I felt like I would be stuck in this weak state for the rest of my life.

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