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My mind was cloudy, just as it had been for the last few hours. They hadn't given me any food or water for two days now and I continued to fade in and out of consciousness. Speaking of, no one has come in or out of this personal Hell in days either. Almost as if they are teasing me, preparing me for the inevitable demise of my inner self. Every time I have managed to fall asleep, I have not met with Robin again, maybe it was just an extremely realistic dream. A flash of light made my heavy head slowly look up. I was met with the all too familiar face of my nightmares, the Joker, or as Harley likes to call him, Mr. J. His heeled shoes echoed around the room as they slowly got closer and closer to my body. I was slumped against the wall and he looked down at me with a large grin. "Well hello beautiful." Bile immediately rose in my throat and if I had any food in me, I surely would have gotten sick. "P-please may I have some w-water?" It was odd for me to be begging, and I absolutely hated it. Not only was I showing him I was weak, I was also disappointing myself. If anyone on the team had seen what I had just done, they would immediately think I wasn't fit to be a hero. "Oh that's right, you haven't eaten or had anything to drink these last few days have you?" I only had the strength to slowly nod my head and I gasped when he pushed a plate of food and threw a water bottle at me. The bottle hit me on the head, but I could care less as I found myself scrambling towards it on the floor. I was just about to grab it when his foot came crashing down on my frail hand. I shrieked when I heard the sickening crack of my wrist. "Nuh-uh-uh, you don't get to have that quite yet. You didn't honestly think that I would just give that to you?" He started cackling loudly as I cradled my broken wrist to my chest and held back the useless tears. "What do you want?" My voice came out strained and hoarse, not sounding nearly as menacing as I wished it to be. "Shh, shh, shh, princess, don't worry about that right now. Soon it will all make sense.
A weak growl fell from my lips and it seemed to surprise him. "Anyways, I have to get back to good ol' Harles, but I will leave you to your meal. Oh,and your friend Sully wants to see you."
Within a split-second, he was gone; leaving me alone once again. My blood went cold and a shiver ran down my spine as I realized what he said. Sullivan wants to see me. What does that mean? Why does he want to see me? What is he going to do to me? I tried to ignore the intrusive thoughts while I attempted to open the water bottle without the help of my broken wrist. I held the bottle against my chest with my right arm and finally unscrewed the top. I quickly brought the liquid to my lips and I nearly cried at the satisfaction of the water coating my dry throat. The bottle was empty in a fast minute and the plate of food quickly followed. He had given me two pieces of bread with a thin slice of bologna stuck in between; normally I would not eat this but I could not hold back the relieved moan that fell from my throat. It was very odd to me how much you could change and adapt to nearly any situation without realizing it. Shortly after consuming my meal, I found my eyes slowly starting to fall closed without my consent. My head became incredibly fuzzy as my body collapsed onto the floor. I couldn't move and tears filled my eyes before spilling over and falling to the floor beneath me. He drugged me, meaning he had something in plan.

Someone was shaking my weak body and the voice that was calling me was fuzzy. "Starfire, Star, sweetheart wake up!" My eyes shot open and a gasp left my lips when they met the familiar blue eyes of Robin. "Robin!" He gasped and pulled my body to his chest. I immediately started to cry as he held me tight against him. "Shh, it's ok I'm here." I placed my arms down and tried to sit up but I shrieked as a shooting pain spread through my arm and I collapsed. I cradled my wrist to my chest as I remembered what had happened before I had fallen asleep, or passed out. Robin gently grabbed my wrist and I hissed as he evaluated it. He flipped it over and attempted to bend my fingers, but I would not allow him due to the immense pain it released. "Sorry. It's broken, what did they do to you?" That's when I remembered that I wasn't able to tell him about the Joker and Harley last time we met. "Robin, it's not Sullivan or Danny, it's the Joker and Harley Quinn. They are behind all of this." His face drained of all color and for a moment, I thought he may pass out. "Fuck!" I gasped at his sudden outburst and at his choice of word use.
"Sorry." He looked down at my frightened face and attempted to slow his breathing.
"Star I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this."
I ignored him and just stared into his eyes.
"Robin, I don't know what he's planning to do, but he took me so Batman would come save me. He also told me that Sullivan wants to see me."
Tears flowed from my eyes and I started to hyperventilate in fear as I remembered the fact that he had drugged me, meaning he could be doing something very bad to my body while I'm asleep.
Robin's face turned red with anger as he took in everything I told him. He did his best to appear calm as he gave me a soft smile.
"Hey, hey, hey, you can't let him break you down. Starfire, the Joker is known for turning even the most sane people insane." That did sound familiar. Out of the many stories I have heard about the Joker, several of them have been of how he drove people over their limits and turned them into monsters. "How do I keep myself from going crazy, Robin, he's so scary." He gently rubbed my cheek with his gloved fingers and slowly let them creep to my neck where he picked up the necklace he had given me.
"This is how you will stay strong. Any time that you feel like he's getting to you, hold this. Hold this and remember who gave it to you. Remember that the same person who gave it to you is spending his every waking moment looking for you so you two can be together again." I admired him. I never imagined that anything anyone could say could make me feel better in the situation I was in, but I was obviously wrong. My good hand found its way to his cheek and I couldn't help myself from placing my dry lips onto his moist ones. It started off sweet and full of care, but it quickly escalated into something more as he ran his fingers through my tangled hair. Though we were completely engrossed in the feeling of each other's skin on one another, he was still careful to avoid putting too much pressure on my body. Before things went any further, he placed his hand on top of mine. I looked up to him with a confused expression as both of us fought to catch our fleeting breath. "Not right now. I don't want to hurt you." He was right. No matter how careful he was with me, there is no way he would not hurt me. My body is too sensitive and bruised for any pressure to be placed anywhere. "You are right, but that does not mean you may not hold me until one of us wakes up." He gave me a comforting smirk and nodded his head before gently laying down next to me and pulling my body to his. I shivered and he took this opportunity to cover my body under his cape which was surprisingly warm. His lips gently pressed against the back of my neck and he kept them there for a moment before he started to rub circles into my back.

I embraced in the moment, enjoying the few moments we had together before waking up alone again with no one to help me.

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