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"Star, wake up. Starfire."
My eyes opened to see Robin staring down at me. A large yawn fell from my lips and I stretched my muscles after being asleep for eight hours. "Yes?" "It's time to get up, you have a long day ahead of you. Make sure you dress in your uniform."
He left my room in silence after and left me in a state of utter confusion. I did as he said and met him and the rest of the team in the living room. "What's going on?" Everyone was seated on the couch and Robin had his fists up against his lips, as if he was having a debate inside his head. "We're going to start training today. Each of us will trade off each day with you and work on different skills." My eyes widened at Raven as I took in what she said. "So, I can be helpful again?" The smile on my face was growing larger with each second. "Star, you are always helpful, you don't have to have powers to be part of our team."
Robin was right.
"You're going to spend the day training with me." He motioned for me to follow him and the bounce in my step was hard to miss as we walked to the training room. Robin laughed at my enthusiasm and when we made it to the room, he pulled me in for a hug. My head rested on his chest and I listened to his familiar heartbeat. It was too soon when he let me go but I smiled when he went to the weapons wall to grab two staffs. When he handed it to me, I nearly dropped it because it was not as light as it used to be. Robin stepped behind me and grabbed the piece of metal along with my own grip to help me learn how to hold it. "Ok Star, you're going to want to hold it with one hand if you can for easier mobility. Until you are able to do that, just hold it like this." He positioned my hands so that they were evenly spread apart on the weapon. I looked up at him with a look of admiration. He looked back at me with a smirk. "What?" I giggled and used my braced wrist to pull his face down so our lips met. My teeth gently tugged on his bottom lip and I pulled on it until it snapped back. Robin leaned in for more but I pulled away before he reached me. His frown made me giggle. "We can continue that later, but I need to learn how to kick your ass first." He gasped at my language and I couldn't help but be shocked as well.
"Sorry, I guess being around... others has influenced my language." He just gave me a sad look and and refocussed on the staff. For the next hour, he taught me how to do some basic movement sequences and he seemed to be surprised at my skill set. We were sitting against the wall drinking some water now, catching our breath before we start combat. "You're doing really good Star." I just smiled before getting up and stretching my sore limbs. "I was trained by my Gnorfka remember? The only difficult thing I am dealing with is my strength. It's very different than it used to be." My head hung for a moment as I thought about how much I missed my abilities. I guess I never realized just how much I needed them, they were just a part of my everyday life.
Robin placed his hands on my shoulders and I jumped at the contact. A flash of the Joker's gloved hand took over my vision and I couldn't help but gasp. Robin immediately retracted his hands and looked sorry. "Sorry, I forgot." He rubbed the back of his neck and I took a moment to breathe before grabbing his hands and placing them back on my shoulders. "Don't apologize, just keep in mind that it's not your fault." His eyes were focused on mine but it was easy to see that he wasn't convinced so I gently placed my fingers beneath his chin. "Robin, it's not your fault, please believe me."
He sighed before nodding his head, making me smile before I lightly punched him in the stomach. I giggled and he looked at me in shock before falling over. My smile disappeared as he held his stomach and closed his eyes in pain. "Robin! I-I'm sorry!" I fell to my knees next to him and tried to look at his face but stopped when I heard a chuckle. It got louder and before I knew it, Robin was in full hysterics laughing at my concern. "You zorrgnarg!" I couldn't stay mad and I soon joined in his laughter and I laughed even harder when he pulled me down to tickle me. "R-Robin, stop!" Our laughter filled the room for the next few minutes until Robin suddenly stopped and looked down at me with a small smile. I wasted no time before pulling him down to my lips. The floor beneath us was wet with our sweat after exercising but I couldn't care less as we smiled into each other's mouths. "I missed you so much." His lips hungrily kissed down my neck and he let his hands roam my body. "You're here, with me, this isn't a dream?" My eyes reflected his own glossy ones before I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair. "Yes, I am here, and you are not dreaming." I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he shocked me when he pulled me in for a hug. I held him close as we embraced in each other's warmth and comfort while my fingers lightly ran up and down his toned back. We stayed like this for who knows how long, I just know that it was long enough for some more life to return to not only myself, but Robin as well.

All I can say is sorry my dudes. I won't go into details but uh, summer was a roller coaster and I'm about to start my senior year! Anyways, please don't give up on me because I'm always writing and trying to come up with more for you all! If I don't update I promise that I haven't forgotten you! Thank you all so much for your support, it's meant the world to me. Also, here's the link to Starfire's wiki where I get some words she uses and stuff, it's pretty useful. http://teentitans.wikia.com/wiki/Tamaranean

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