Chapter 1: A Summer of Surprises

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"Harry Potter!"

The cry came careening up the stairs of Number 4 Privet Drive. It was the start of summer vacation and Harry was freshly returned to the Dursleys from his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had been a miserable week. The Dursleys were not at all happy to have him back. In their opinion, he was a freak. No mention of magic or Hogwarts was allowed in their house, and Harry was routinely punished for the crime of simply existing. Harry sighed and, with a definite glumness, went downstairs to see what the Dursleys had in store for him today.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon," Harry said, facing his uncle acros the table. Petunia was serving Vernon and Dudley breakfast, and Dudley was looking forlornly at his father's plate. Vernon had decided as soon as Dudley got back from Smeltings, that the diet the whole family was on last summer was going to have to go. Dudley, who was still bigger than a good-sized cow, was still having grapefruit for breakfast. Petunia gestured to a plate with a much smaller portion of grapefruit on it for Harry.

"I'll have none of your usual larking about this summer, boy," Vernon growled as Harry had stepped into the house after arriving a week ago. He had meant it,too, even as Harry protested that he never larked. Vernon seemed intent to punish Harry for the Ton Tongue Toffee incident of last year. He looked furiously at Harry this particular morning.

"I will be putting you to work cleaning out the shed today. WELL GET TO IT!" yelled Vernon. Harry went outside, and began the task of stacking Dudley's bikes, organizing the gardening tools, and all the various other things that needed to be done.

Over the next two months, Harry was put to task gardening and doing housework for Petunian, cleaning the basement and doing repairs on he house for Vernon, and being the usual attempted target as a punching bag for Dudley. Harry was hard to catch, though. He was the seeker on the house Quidditch teach school, and if he was quick enough to avoid a bludger, he was more than that quick enough to avoid Dudley adn his gang. Harder to avoid, though, was his uncle. Small things were happening, which Harry could not explain readily to his uncle. The Dursleys had taken every precaution to keep Dudley from sneaking sweets up to his room, but Petunia kept finding them there. Since they couldn't have gotten there by themselves and since they knew Dudley was not bringing them, Harry must be at fault. Anything unexplainable was Harry's fault.

"I don't know how they got there!" Harry protested, when a box of pastries Vernon had brought home went missing. The box had been found under Dudley's bed two days later.

"You never liked my Duddykins!" wailed Petunia. She was convinced tha this dislike for Dudley was causing him to magic the treats to Dudley's room in an effort to keep him fat. His protests of innocence were not assisted by the arrival of  a number of owls from the Improper use of Magic Office. Dudley had just got back from the Doctor's after his encouter with the Dementors, and he forgot the whole event, considering the doctor was a wizard whom erased this particular memory. This letter was the first and almost nearly identical to the letter he had gotten from Mafalda Hopkirk in the earlier in the summer;when Dudley was attacked by the dementors, though Harry was cleared of the charges of doing the patronus charm. What the Dursleys didn't know was that the trauma, of the so-called event that Dudley and themselves had forgotten, activated his hidden wizard powers that had been dormant all along. So before the Dementor event, Dudley was considered a muggle still considering He couldn't see the Dementors at the time. And these leters pertained to the levitation charms are the ones that hadn't been cleared. He had received a second owl the next day that was almost as the same as first, but with an more exasperated tone. He had written her back to say he had not performed any magic, but another owl had arrived today. The post was far snippier, and concerned yet another spell.

"Mr. Potter, 

We have observed the third levitation charm in as many days being performed at your place of residence. We have no choice but to enforce the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. As you have contested performing these spells, an investigator will be dispatched to Number 4 Privet drive tommorrow to discuss these transgressions. Please have your wand ready for inspection promptly at 9:00 AM.

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