Recap of the sorting itself.

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Authors Note: If you couldn't read the "Recap of chapter 8 as well," Then I'll recap the sorting for you in this authors note: The sorting will be in script like format. And if anyone has similar names to mention below I'm sorry, but I really didn't think these were well actually belonged to a "real" person, key note on real. and the name is made alphabetically but well, the first name is first and the surname(last name) is second. But I decided only to show the last name(surname), but leave their first initial in it. so that way, I can't loose my footing on this fanficiton if you will. And This is just the sorting recap only nothing more nothing less. This is entire part is in bold because of the sorting I'm just making sure, well, the wattpad does its work like it's supposed to. And This normally would be a regular authors note followed by the chapter 9 but I decided to do another recap considering the last recap didn't work the same way as Chapter 8 did. That's why it's in bold and I'm too tired to change it.

A. Anders(Boy),

SORTING HAT: Hmm, very interesting, secrecy, and intelligence, what odd combination, very well, HUFFLEPUFF.

L. Anderseen(Girl)

SORTING HAT:Ah, right, intelligence, but well, what is this, a tiny bit of bravery, HMMM, okay then, GRYFFINDOR.

G. Baxter(boy)

SORTING HAT: HMMM, Pure-blood symbolizism throughout the generation, HMMM, Alright, SLYTHERIN

K. Compton(girl)

The hat barely touches K. Compton's head and yells


Dudley Dursley(boy),

SORTING HAT: HMM , another legend, I see, the only late bloomer wizard ever to attend Hogwarts, Hmm, plenty of talent, and hidden intelligence, plenty of cunning, and plenty of courage. Hmm difficult, very, difficult. Better be.GRYFFINDOR

Authors Note:I'm skipping the rest of the sorting,because well, I'm not sure considering the main characters are the mains for a reason and I don't want to be forced to write about other students, especially if they weren't in the books to begin with, but I had to do something that will make sense with the sorting hat. Like call students up one by one and alphabetically of course. So hopefully this made a little bit of sense, And you were probably hoping that I was going to put Dudley in Slytherin.

Dudley leaves the stool and goes sit down on the Gryfindor table and the announcement are the same as the introduction in the film of the order of the phoenix.

Author's Note: Sorry about the last sentence well, I wasn't going to repeat word for word,and everybody hates Delores Umbridge. and that sort of thing. And I kind of wanted to spare you readers of that bitchy umbridge's attitude. if that's alright with you. Sorry if this doesn't show on my story.

Dudley Dursley-A Late Bloomer WizardWhere stories live. Discover now