Chapter 7: Letter from Sirius Black

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Authors Note: Now since Vernon has come to terms with Dudley's powers, but not fully supported his son, but he allowed their owls a chance to roam around and be free as long as they weren't out at the same time, of course, considering Dudley's Owl (haven't thought of a name for Dudley's Owl yet, any ideas)was a male snowy owl and Hedwig was a female snowy owl and Dudley just used the time to well, exercise his owl, while Harry used it to send letters to his friends. and vice versa.

******************TIME SKIP******************

August 27, 1995 (this is the day he received the letter from sirius)

On the day, they found out that Dudley was a late-bloomer wizard he decided to write to his friends about their discovery and all of them were shocked by the news. And he also decided to write to his Godfather Sirius Black as well. And There was a black owl tapping at his window on 4 Privet and it was from Sirius. and the letter said, 

To Harry, my beloved godson,

I received your letter about your cousin, becoming a wizard, extremely late, now we have 2 legends in our wizarding world, ha, you probably know this, but you think the activation of his wizard powers was caused by the dementor attack, even though he and his family had their minds erased? It would be a possibility if their minds weren't erased from the attack, but since they were, I find it hard to believe that the trauma caused by the dementors would have caused a reaction in his genes and stuff, but then again, what do I know, I'm not exactly a genius, you should probably ask one of your genius friends this, now unless there was any other type of trauma in the house that could've been caused by this. I'm not exactly sure as to what caused the late activation of Dudley's powers and by the way you've told me, Dudley was always a spoiled brat. And The spoiling shouldn't have caused the activation of his powers. unless he felt extremely jealous of you, or felt extremely sorry for you, when he probably noticed you were being abused by your aunt and uncle, his own parents. He probably asked for these powers somehow and wanted to use something as a cover to well, explain them all away, and you, my godson, are the explanation. 

Now Since Dudley has powers this is not a good time to train a first year student at all, especially, now that I've read in the Dailey Prophet that one of the jurors at the ministry of magic would be working as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher and her name is Delores Umbridge, a troll of a woman, you ask me.  And yes, I know that you and Dudley will be going to Hogwarts together as well. And I can tell you this, that if you want to bring Dudley to my home,before the school begins you are welcomed to. And yes, I will tell you where I'm at or better yet, I'll send Moody and the others to come and get you and your cousin, considering from what I'm hearing his parents didn't exactly take the new lightly. But I'm surprised at Petunia's actions from what I've heard from what you've told me when you took them to Diagon Alley. But then again, it makes sense anyways, I'll send someone to pick you and your cousin up at 7 pm on August 29, 1995. That way you'll be able to talk freely without worry about anything.



A knock on Harry's bedroom door, was heard and Harry asked, "Who is it?", Dudley replied, "It's me, may I come in?" Harry was surprised at Dudley's politeness and normally he just barges in instead of knocking. Dudley was waiting for an answer, and Harry said, "You may come in, Dudley." Dudley opened the door and Harry could sense that Dudley was nervous about attending Hogwarts for the first time. And wanting some encouragement. and clarification. Dudley stammered and asked Harry, "D-D-D-Do I have to attend Hogwarts, can't I just learn on my own?"  Harry felt sad for his cousin, "You have to attend Hogwarts, Dudley, I'm sorry, but it's the only way without ending up in a wizarding prison, which is a whole lot worse than a muggle prison, trust me. Because if you can't control your magic, then you'll end up in a wizard prison, not a muggle one." Dudley looked shocked and confused as to what Harry told him. And Dudley replied with a confused and questionable statement, "Just because I can't control my magic, they'll lock me up?!!!" Harry nodded yes to the confused question. "If I have to go, I will, but I won't like it, because I hate learning. And also I'm scared." Dudley said. Harry replied with a question, "Scared of what, Dudley?" Dudley replied, "I know I'm a legend of being the only late-bloomer wizard to attend Hogwarts and so are you a legend with that Dark Lord thing and I'm scared considering he's out there and stuff And also scared that the 1st years might make fun of me for being a late-bloomer or something."  Harry realizaed his cousin, Dudley was scared. And wanted to comfort him but didn't know where to start, but he had to try. "Dudley, I know you're scared, but you have to face that fear head on and not care about what other people might think. And if it helps you, My godfather whom I found out about during my third year has invited both of us to his place and they'll be sending someone or someones to pick us up on August 29,1995 at 9pm." Dudley nodded, and concluded, "Thanks for the talk, cousin and um, I-I-I'm sorry for how I treated you before." Dudley got up to leave the room and head back to his room to pack up his school things knowing Dudley it'll take a while.

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