Chapter 6: The Trip to Diagon Alley.

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 Author's Note: I'm assuming the dementor attack happened a little bit after school ended and school ends on the second week of July, so the dementor attack probably happened that after noon on July 12, 1995 and the family went to the doctors' that night and Harry had a hearing the following morning on July 13, 1995, and I don't think Harry would stay at the leaky cauldron nor the burrow for nearly over month so after the hearing I'm willing to bet they made Harry promised to return to Privet Drive as a punishment of sorts; until August 28. when Hogwarts Express will arrive at Kings Cross station. And the Levitation charms event week happened in August 21-24, 1995 and the meeting was on the August 24, 1995 and today will be August 25, 1995.When this stuff takes place. to the trip to Diagon Alley. Sorry that I changed the last bit.

Friday, August 25, 1995. 
7:30 am in the morning.

Petunia was the first to wake up, then Harry, then Dudley, and they all went down to get some breakfast to eat, and Harry did cook the breakfast, but it is wasn't as good as he would have hoped, but at least he didn't burn it this time.They left around 8:50 am.

Now after they finished eating they did the dishes got dressed and left the house and started walking towards the London Waterloo Train Station considering they already had their rail cards with them so they wouldn't have to worry about purchasing tickets and all that other problems.  They finally made it to the Waterloo station at 8:58 am and just had to wait 2 minutes before their train was scheduled to arrive. 

At 9:00 am the train made a loud screeching sound like steel nails on a chalkboard as it came to a halt and everyone boarded the train not much happened on the train, but Petunia, wanted to talk to Dudley alone. and asked Harry to go to the Dining car to see if there was anything good to eat or drink considering the breakfast they had that morning was quite as filling as they would have hoped it would be.

Petunia said, "Is there anything, you want to ask me, Dudley?" Dudley replied, "Do you think I'm freak, like Harry is?" Petunia knew this question was coming and hoped it would be after they both left for Hogwarts and she knew she had to tell the truth to Dudley, but wasn't sure that he could handle it with all that's going on, but she decided to tell him any way. "Well, my Duddykins, No, no, I don't think you're a freak, yes, I know I've said, alot of things, to Harry, and it might seemed like that I meant what I said, but I said, those things, to hide my true feelings." Dudley looked shocked and confused as to what his mother meant by "True Feelings" and asked her what she meant. "Mum, what do you mean by "true feelings"?" Petunia replied, "What i meant by true feelings is that since I'm a little bit older than your Aunt Lily since I was born in late 1958 and your Aunt Lily was born in 1960, so we were close when we were little, so close people sometime mistook us for twins, that is, until her letter from Hogwarts came. And well, I was extreme jealous of her, because she was a witch and I wasn't. And I always wondered if I was also a witch, maybe your Aunt would still be alive today. And When I've learned of my sister's death(I'll tell you later, or you'll discover the answer when you get to the school that your Aunt went to. So when I, learned of my sister's death, well, I felt guilty for not coming to terms with my jealousy, and that jealousy turned to hatred, and this is the reason why I treated you better than I treated Harry, because I knew he was going to become a wizard and I wanted to make sure that you weren't going to be jealous of Harry like I was jealous of Lily, which is the reason, why I brought both of you up, so differently. But now,(laughs), don't tell you father this, I'm actually proud that you became a wizard like Harry, don't get me, wrong, I'm still jealous, but I'm only jealous because you were a Late Bloomer wizard and I wasn't a late bloomer witch, but this time, I won't let the jealousy become hatred. The hatred that I had for Lily isn't there anymore, but the jealousy will always be there until I can make amends somehow with my sister. And your cousin Harry looks a lot like your uncle James except for the eyes of course, he has your Aunt Lily's eyes which is another reason, why I treated him so poorly, because he reminded me, of your Aunt Lily."

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