Chapter 9: The Following Day

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Author's Note: I'm going to make it so Dudley would get a reprieve at a certain level in order to enter his actual 5th year instead.refresh the page if this chapter doesn't fully load this is giving me and migraine, and hello to fix this damn problem. will you?

Dudley stayed up until 12 am on Sat morning and 3 am on Sun and 3 am on Monday, Morning, staying all different kinds of spells and looked at the textbooks carefully including their illustrations as well too. And He didn't want nobody to know this, but he wanted to prove that he was good at these spells and other problems to be solved as well too. So he nearly stayed up all night studying and considering his is part of Gryffindor House, he knew he had to ask Professor McGonagall the next morning during the 1st years transfiguration class on how to move up without the need of well, waiting another 4 years to be in his 5th year of classes and stuff of the sort. So he finished his studying at 3am in morning, he went up to his dorm with whom he shared an actual dorm with the new first years and was hoping to move out of the dorm as soon as possible, but since he was technically a 1st year at Hogwarts, he had to deal with that and considering he was older than these students he was probably supposed to be some kind of role-model for them as well. 

Morning came and he woke up at 7am(normally he likes to sleep in, but that isn't going to happen) and makes his way to Professor McGonagalls office. and knocks on her classroom door and Professor McGonagall, says "Come on in," Dudley walks in. "Ah, Mr. Dursley here for some private lessons are we?" Dudley, stopped in his tracks and thought about it for a moment, and said, "Yes, yes, I am, and may I ask you a question, Professor?" Professor McGonagall replied, "Yes, What's the question, oh wait, I think I know the question already, your wondering how in the world are you ever going to catch up with your cousin, Harry Potter, am I correct?" Dudley was stunned to find out McGonagall knew the question he was about to ask her but was still unable to speak. "Mr. Dursley, considering you are a special type of student, here's your list of classes," Professor McGonagall says and hands the list over to Dudley and he looks over the M-F schedule and sees he takes 1st year classes on Mondays, 2nd year classes on Tuesdays, 3rd year classes on Wednesdays, 4th year classes on Thursdays and 5th year classes on Fridays. He knew he was going to have to put a lot of studying into this schoolyear and yet he didn't care one bit. Now his mind has formed a question and Dudley asked, "Professor, do you think I could possibly take the end of term tests from the years I've missed, right now, I've bought the books from the years I missed plus this current year as well. And I was up until at 3am early this morning, do you think it's a possibility?," Professor was surprised, about his willingness.and replied kindheartedly, "Well, How about I talk to the other teachers and we'll see, but the Defense Against the Dark Arts class might be snag if you will considering the teachers we had, well you probably already know the stories, but Professor Dumbledore might be able to work something out for you, Now off you go to get some breakfast in the great Hall, it should be active for another 30 minutes, but for today go to your 1st year classes and we'll see what we can do for you." "Alright then," Dudley acknowledge.

And that day in his classes of with 1st year students, he was a prodigy among them and they looked up to him because he was a genius at the spells, but he told them, study hard and you'll be surprised at what you'll be able to do, which earned him, some well, snickers and scoffs, because he never had the nerve to say those things in the muggle world, but now he doesn't give a care. He wants to be in the same year as his cousin is in. So once the day was over, Professor Delores Umbridge was called into the Headmaster's office, "Headmaster Dumbledore, how may I be of assistence?" Professor Umbridge said. "Well, Delores, you know that we have another legend amoung us, right, he wants to well, take the end of term tests in the Defense Against the Dark Classes  from the 4 yrs he missed at Hogwarts is that a problem? And When will you be ready to give him your tests from the 4 yrs he missed? Professor, Dumbledore said, and asked. Delores Umbridge responded, "By the end of the week on Saturday Afternoon." Professor Dumbledore responded, "Very well, then that is all, Delores." Delores Umbridge left the headmasters office, and well Professor Dumbledore was relieved when she left the office, and Dumbledore looked to Professor McGonagall and said, "That's taken care of, now tell Dudley he can miss the rest of his classes and take his tests at the night he was supposed to be in class and tell him to do his 5th years assignments that he missed from this school week."

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