Chapter 10: The beginning of Dudley's 5th year

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So on Sunday night after his party, she had Dudley come down to her office and tells Dudley to choose two of the electives below, and he looks over the elective list and he saw these:

Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studdies and Ancient Runes, and McGonagall told him to pick the two off of the list but you can choose three if you wish, but mcgonagall said, "Divination and Ancient Runes are at the same time, and you can't take two subjects at the same time, unless you have a time turner but only one student is allowed to possess one.

So Dudley asked Prof. McGonagall, "Are there any 5th years in Care of Magical Creatures?" Professor McGonagall replied, "Yes, that's one subject that spreads across all 5 yrs at the same time, but Professor Grubly-Plank is teaching that course this year until of course Professor Hagrid returns. And Well, Professor Grubly-Plank is short stature similar to Professor Flitwick. and since you being raised by your parents who wants nothing to do with magic and our world and I've seen some muggles who hate things that are different from them especially short-statured people who were non-magic as well." 

"Yeah, I understand, where you are going with this, Professor McGonagall, about the short-statured problem but I'm afraid, I want to sign up for the class anyway if even the giant did scare me when I was little, but oh well, I'll take Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Grubly-Plank, and if I have to for the 2nd semester I'll also take it with Professor Hagrid, and I'll also take hmmmm..... I wonder," McGonagall says, "Well, what's the next elective you want, Mr. Dursley?"

Dudley said, "I have another question, what is muggle studies?" Professor McGonagall realized, why he asked that considering he's been in the muggle world all this time and a class he's never heard off would sound strange to him, Professor McGonagall replied, "Muggle Studies is the study of Muggle culture and it's history." Dudley replies, "So it's basically world history in other words, but muggle world history is a class that studies the culture of everywhere in the world except hidden cultures like the wizarding world." Prof. McGonagall replied, "Yes, Similar to that, yes." Dudley thought longer and harder. and decides on Muggle Studies, probably that class would be better for him. Dudley announced, "I've decided on my second elective, I choose Muggle Studies.

Okay then here is your schedule:


1. History of Magic
2. Potions
3. Charms
4. Defense Against the Dark Arts


3.Care of Magical Creatures

1.Free period
2. Transfiguration
3. Herbology
4. Care of Magical Creatures
5. Astronomy

1-2 Potions
3-4-Defense Against the Dark Arts

1-2-Muggle Studies
3-4-Free time

Professor McGonagall creates 11 copies of Dudley's schedule and sends thems to the off to the teachers and saves one for herself since she's one of the 9 Professors that Dudley has. and gives Dudley one copy and sends the other one remaining to Professor Dumbledore.

Dudley goes up to stairs to the common room and goes to sleep and then wakes up around 6am

And Dudley meets Harry in the Great Hall for Breakfast and Harry asks, "May I see your class list?" Dudley replies, "Sure" and Hands over his class list, and Harry looks at it says "Hmmm interesting electives. Why did you sign up for muggle studies for? It's basically the history classes you were taught at Smeltings Academy earlier?" 

Dudley responded, "Yeah, I kind of failed history but dad paid them off to give me good grades and he's been doing that since I was a child and I wanted to prove I could make good grades without his money and everything like that and So I signed up for muggle studies so I can learn stuff and hopefully the lessons aren't too difficult for me to comprehend." Hermione butts in the middle of the conversation says, "Muggle studies are easy, but Harry is almost right about it being like muggle history classes, but it's more of a combination of History and Home Ec from the muggle world."  Harry slaps his forehead realizing that she's right. Harry continues saying, "She's right. and I never could cook the muggle way when I did have muggle studies." Dudley replies, "There's cooking involved the muggle way, I thought muggle technology doesn't work within the Hogwarts grounds? I'm confused." He turns to Hermione hoping for answer, and Hermione speaks up and says, "Certain muggle technology doesn't work within the grounds, for example: Cars, Airplanes, Telephones, Computers don't work in Hogwarts grounds. The only muggle technology that works inside the grounds are television,vcr players, vhs tapes, video camcorders, ovens, stove top with burners and refridgerators as well and those are the only types of muggle technology that works on the grounds."

Dudley replied, "Oh, okay, thanks for the explanation, Hermione," Hermione replied, "You're welcome." and Dudley left to get his food and came back down to sit and ate his food and went to his classes for the day.

So Dudley and his friends started the day of exhausting classes for the second week of their 5th year and um, Dudley asked "What is free period?" Harry replied, "It's a place where you could choose to have free time or get another class if you want to of course." Dudley respond, "Alright, Are flying lessons a double class?" Harry replied, "I'm not sure that they are, you could go ask Madam Hooch over there sitting down at the teachers' table." Dudley said, "I ask her". Dudley waited for Madame Hooch to leave and followed her outside of the castle and on to the pitch and asked, "Madame Hooch, This is the one class I didn't take when I was, um doing other stuff a week earlier, So when is the next flying lesson or could I get private tutoring for the flying, considering I'm older than most of the 1st years and Now I'm automatically a 5th yr and I'm afraid the 1st years would laugh at me, because I don't know how to fly a broom, So would you mind give me private flying lessons?" Madame Hooch,replied, "Certainly, No Problem, your flying lesson are in the late afternoon around 4 pm after the class for the day has left. And First, you will need to lose some more weight as well. if you want to be seeker for the quidditch team or you can keep the weight if you are going to be a chaser or a beater, I'll have Harry explain the game of Quidditch to you, as well. Alright, So be here tomorrow 4'o clock sharp for your first flying lesson." Dudley responded, "Indeed, I count on it."

Dudley headed to the rest of his classes and was upset by the DADA class because they weren't learning any defensive spells and what not, and were more focused on the theory of learning about Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. rather than actually learning about using defensive spells and of course, the rumors that Harry Potter murdered Cedric Diggory still surfaced once in a while and Dudley knew Harry for his whole life and He knew Harry would never consider doing a thing like that they were saying about his own cousin. But when he tried to protest protecting his cousin, they just ignored him and said, "You don't know anything about what happened last year at Hogwarts" slightly offended but they were telling the truth, he didn't know what happened at Howgwarts a year prior to this, and Dudley continued on saying, "Yeah, I know that I wasn't here last year for that Triwizard Tournament, but I personally know Harry himself why, because I'm his cousin Dudley Dursley. And I know he would never do a thing like that. Because he spent his entire life with me and my parents until he came to Hogwarts of course, and then he only spent his summers with us, but I know him that he would never murder anyone at all." The students who were spreading the rumours continued on spreading them, but made sure to keep face around Harry's cousin because they didn't want to see what would happen if they met him alone in the hallway with no teachers around. And Little did Harry didn't know about the rumors went to that extent but he had heard his cousin defending him during their lunch break and Harry walked up to Dudley and startled Dudle a bit, and said, "I heard what you said, Big D, and Thanks for sticking up for me." Dudley replied, "No Problem, cuz, We are family and family is supposed to stick together through thick and then, and I just wished Mum and Dad could see the way I see things, and I wish that they could see your dream and whatnot, but I know that's extremely dangerous and stuff. So Let's not talk about that painful past and let's concentrate on our schoolwork and hopefully if we both work hard enough, probably we might be better than schoolwork." Harry laughed, "Good luck, trying, Nobody is better at school work than Hermione is. Trust me. I know." Dudley recognized the reason for the laugh and laughed and said, "You probably right, but hey it's worth a try."

And they finished their classes and went to the common room and waited until dinner, and then they went to bed.

Authors Note: Sorry about another short chapter, but hey well at least it's a start. and the conversation that the children had about Voldemort will probably start in the next chapter or the following chapter after that. I'll think about.

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