Chapter 3: Examinations

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A knock on the door intruded on Vernon's dreams. He woke with a sputtered "Huh? Wha!" It was daylight out, and he realized he had slept the whole night in his chair downstairs, the gun resting on his lap. He brandished it menacingly and stalked to the door, opening it a crack. Two weirdoes in robes stood there. Flinging the door open, he pointed the shotgun at them and hissed "Get away from us!" Just as yesterday, they looked shocked. One pulled out her want and said some nonsense word. Not seeming to realize he was no longer holding a gun, but an umbrella, he hissed again. "Get away, I say!"

"Calm yourself, Mr. Dursley!" said the one who had pulled out her wand. She was a severe looking older woma, with her hair tied up in a bun underneath a pointed hat. She spoke in a Scottish accent and had a very no-nonsense manner. The other freak was an exceptionally old man with the air of someone who was extremely amused by Vernon. He wore dark blue robes, and had pure white hair that was as long as his beard. His beard alone was down to his waist. They walked into the house, and Vernon (who had just now noticed the umbrella,) was hopeing the neighbors had not noticed them.

"Good morning, Mr. Dursley," the old man said. "I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts. I assume..."

"Do not speak of under my roof, sir!" exclaimed Vernon. The severe woman looked even more shocked than she had before.

"Professor Dumbledore! Professor McGonagall!" A startled voice said. Harry had either been already up, or awakened by Vernon's shouts.

"Good morning, Mr. Potter." said this McGonagall woman. "We have received a request from the Improper Use of Magic office to examine your son, Mr. Dursley." McGonagall explained to Vernon, turning back to him.

"You will not!" exclaimed Vernon. i will not have you giving him another tail, or...whatever it is you are..."

"We would certainly not harm the boy," interrupted McGonagall.

"Indeed not," agreed Dumbledore. "This examination must take place, if only for Dudley's well being. If, as you suggest, he is not a wizard, we will leave at once."

"Very well, then. You will soon see that there is no such foolishness in the Dursley line." Vernon said, curtly. He moved closer to Dumbledore, and lowering his voice almost a hiss said, "But understand this: If you hurt my son, then your hocus-pocus will not help you. With gun, or umbrella, I shall do my worst!"

Dudley was sitting on the couch. It was the strangest examination he had ever had. He had expected stethoscopes, thermometers, and strange instruments like doctors used. This Dumbledore just sat there and asked him questions. The woman with him asked a few herself. They were all about when he first noticed the food flying into his room, and McGonagall had seemed a trifle curt when he answered "the first time." Daddy was tehre the whole time, and seemed to think the question were foolish. All of the Dursley's and even Harry, seemed to be shocked by what happened after the questions. Dumbledore had taken out some candy from his robe and put it on the coffee table. "Would you like some, Dudley?" He offered. When Dudley reached for it, though, Dumbledore stopped him. "You can have it, but only if you don't touch it."

"But how am I supposed to..." Dudly found it hard to protest when the candies just slid across the table to him.

"Now, how did you do that?" asked Dumbledore. Daddy looked like he was about to have stroke.

"I didn't!" protested Dudley. "I don't even have a wand! When that other man thought Harry did it, he looked at his wand! Don't you have to have a wand?" Dudley panicked.

"Not necessarily," explained Dumbledore. "Some people have such a great prevalence for a particular spell, that no wand is necessary to perform it. Nor an incantation. It is rare that it should happen to a wizard so young, and also rarer that the magical ability did not appear earlier in your life. It is not, however, unheard of."

"Well, I see no other solution, Albus," said Professor McGonagall. "The boy must be trained."

"I agree. For his own protection." Dumbledore replied. He turned to speak to Vernon Dursley, but Vernon was no longer there.

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