RECAP of Chapter 8.(the part you probably didn't get a chance to read)

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Authors Note: This is a recap of Chapter 8 because that chapter you would need to refresh the web browser in order to see the full chapter so I'm doing  a recap of the chapter 8 from the first paragraph here is where it ends on the chapter 8 section, but hopefully this here will continue. on this part of the story so you, and all this is just a recap. and the sorting technically considering y'all didn't get a chance to read the sorting part as well so here goes nothing. And The train ride, and the sorting technically.

"Finally, you two made it." Mrs. Weasley said. "Better hurry up before you miss the train." Dudley asks in a hurry, "Where's the platform?" "Oh sorry, dear, I nearly forgot this was your first time to Hogwarts, Just walk straight at the wall, between Platforms 9 and 10," Mrs. Weasley replied. Dudley took her advice and ran through the wall followed by Harry. and They had to Hurry and find their seats on the train and Harry found Ron and Hermione sitting in a compartment and Harry joined them. and Dudley asks, "May I join you?" Harry nods yes. And Dudley came in and sat down. and said, "I know you two have mixed feelings about me, but let me, tell you what my mother said, to me, on the trip to Diagon Alley."( Dudley explains to Ron and Hermione what Petunia Dursley said to her own son, Dudley, about his Aunt Lily Harry's mother, and Ron and Hermione finally understood the reason why Harry and Dudley was raised differently and Dudley said, "He apologized to his new friends about the way he treated Harry through his childhood, and his new friends forgave them. which surprised Dudley and Ron, all of sudden asked, "What house, do you think you're going to be sorted?" Dudley suddenly got confused and Ron suddenly realized he was being an idiot and said, "Sorry, House at hogwarts are kind of like your family, but nicer and there are four houses, Gryfindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. And Hermione said, "The houses value certain traits in each individual, you would sorted into Gryffindor, if you are brave and true, if you're a smart person get good grades have excellent intelligence, you may be sorted into ravenclaw, if you are hardworking and patient, you would be sorted into Hufflepuff, and if you are show resourcefulness, and cunningness, you might be sorted into Slytherin, And Each house as their own animal icon or symbol, Gryffindor's animal is the Lion, Slytherin's symbol is the serpent, Hufflepuff's symbol is a badger and Ravenclaw's symbol is an eagle, and Yeah, you may be think why the symbol isn't raven or something like that? So now you know the traits, which house do you think you'd be put in. And Don't worry, There any muggle-borns in Slytherin, if there are then it's probably a few. And they probably pretend to be they wouldn't get no wrath from their classmate they share a dorm with." Dudley gulped, "What is pure-blood, and muggle-born?" Hermione, said, "A pure blood wizard is a descendant of two magical parents; and a half-blood, wizard is a descendant of one muggle and one magical parent, and a muggle-born is a descendant of two muggle parents, but somewhere down the line is a squib, and a squib is a descendant of two magical parents, but doesn't have any powers." Dudley asked "Is Harry considering pure-blood or half-blood?" Hermione replies, "He is considered Half-blood, because his mother, your aunt Lily was a muggle-born witch and she married a pure blood wizard, your uncle, James Potter.So Harry is considered Half-blood." (Authors' Note: This is where the Chapter 8 supposedly ends if you don't refresh the page and scroll further done)

"Oh, Sorry, had to ask," Dudley said. "That's fine, Dudley, was wondering the same thing myself actually." Harry replied.

Then the conveyor trolley lady, says, "Anything from the trolley, Anything from the trolley." And looks into the compartment with Dudley, Harry, Ron and Hermione and asks, "Anything from the trolley dears," Then Dudley looks at Harry and says, "Get the lot." "We'll take the lot, Dudley says," showing the similar amount of coins Harry did on his first train ride to Hogwarts. And then they ate and Dudley asked, What are jellybeans doing here, I thought these are wizards candy?" Harry quickly said, before Hermione could give her answer, "Dudley, these are wizards candy or now since we are both wizards, let's just call it our type of candy,Look at the name, It's says "Bertie Bot's Every Flavour Beans" and they really mean "Every flavour" True they have similarities to jellymeans in the muggle world we happen to live in, but they don't have these flavours, and uh, be careful, you don't want to accidentally get a vomit flavour one. And the color really doesn't depict what flavour they are going to be, like in the muggle world. Try it and you'll see." Dudley reaches into the box and pulls out a red bean and takes a bite out of it, and was surprised that it was well, lemon flavour and Dudley says, "Ahh, lemon flavour." Then Ron, says, "You are lucky you didn't get one of the foul flavours, because when you first try these beans, you usually end up with a foul flavoured one." Harry quickly says, "Do you remember that giant,who came and got me from the lighthouse,right before my first year at Hogwarts?" Dudley, says, "Yes, why?" Harry replied, "He works at the school, and he well he guides the first years to the castle, you ride boats, small rowboats to the castle when you are a first year, the upper year children get to ride carriages, but depending on your weight I'm not sure about the boat thing for you." Dudley changes into his Hogwarts robes, and makes his way off of the train greeted by his new found friends, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and Professor McGonagall was on the platform to greet the new legend. "Oh, Mr. Potter, I see that Mr. Dursley made it here safe and sound, and we have a special boat made for you, Mr. Dursley and since you're a legend of being the only late-bloomer wizard ever to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you will be riding in a boat all to yourself. And I'll be escorting the first years to the castle, you, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Granger, and Mr. Weasley, better catch the carriages, before they leave."

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