Chapter 5: The finishing of the meeting and a new conversation

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Author's Note: The meeting finished at the last chapter and stuff, but I'm going to repeat the last paragraph of the last chapter or last bit of Chapter 4, and then add a little extra so I can actually end the meeting. normally as possible, of course. But What I'm not sure is should I start Dudley as Year 1 student or a Year 5 student and force him to catch up on all he has missed. And What about Vernon and Petunia? Should I do something about them, or not? So The repeat paragraphs from Chapter 4 are the last 3 paragraph or technically 2 paragraphs depends if you can call one sentence a paragraph.

"So, about Dudley," Vernon inquired, curtly. "What is this training you were going on about?"

"Dudley must go to Hogwarts." Dumbledore explained. "This must be done for his own good, and yours. If he is not taught to control his power, then he will draw far more attention to himself and to you, than can be explained." This frightened Vernon far more than Dudley being a wizard. Having people find out about it was worse!

Vernon gulped while the vein in his neck still pulsating and said, "Very well, then." Clearly Vernon was not happy about this situation, but his reputation in the neighborhood must be retained! If his son was destined to be a wizard, (he couldn't yet think of the word without flinching,) then at least his son would be a better one than that Potter brat!

Professor Dumbledore handed Vernon a list of items that would pertain that Dudley would need to get them before this school year and Vernon read the list and curiously wondered, and got the nerve to ask "Why does Dudley need a wand? Considering He performed a levitation charm without it?"

Professor Dumbledore laughed and shook his heaand said, "All wizards and witches are required to have a wand to channel their magical energy, so that way there wouldn't be a possibility of any type of unexplained occurences pertaining to the individual in question. So if you'll excuse me, Me and Professor McGonagall have to get going to go back to the school. Now if one of you, parents of PDudley would like to accomany Dudley to buy his school things, I'd be much obliged." And Dumbledore turns to Harry, "Now Mr. Potter, please show them the place where to buy wizards school things. And make sure Dudley catches the train to Hogwarts as well, because I don't want a similar incident, like you had during your 2nd year."

And after that Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall left the normal way, by means of walking down the street and then after they reached to the woods they went into the woods and disapparated.

Vernon and Petunia looked at each other, and then looked at Dudley and Harry and gave Harry a more sterner look at Harry than Dudley. Harry gulped at their stares, and finally got the nerve to ask "Why are you both staring at me?" 

Vernon said, "This is all your fault, that Dudley has these powers now, considering he didn't have them when he was younger and I kind of knew until he turned 11 yrs old, genetics played a key part of these powers as well, but once he turned 11 and didn't show no signs of becoming a wizard, I thought I was able to scare the magical genes out of him or something like that."

Harry said, "How in the world this is my fault, there are plenty of witches and wizards who have never received their powers until after they aren't able to get into Hogwarts considering they had already turned 17 yrs old. And No, I don't think there are adult education schoolings in the wizard world. Sorry to break this to you, but this isn't my fault, nor is Dudley's nor is it Petunias, it's probably yours, because he probably felt sorry for me from all of your bullying. And was saying if you are treating Harry this way, you are gonna have to treat me the same way, I'm guessing."

Vernon stood there dumbfound with his mouth hanging open, and Petunia turns to Vernon, and hides a small snicker and says "Vernon, honey, close your mouth, before you catch flies." Vernon snaps out of his trance and says "Sorry, Petunia, dear, I'm just worried that's all." "I'm worried, too,but we need to focus on the matter at hand." Vernon agreed and He looked at Petunia, knowing she had to ask Harry, something and asked, "Harry, where do wizards and witches get there schooling things?" Harry replied, "Diagon Alley.And the entrance to which is hidden behind a pub in the courtyard behind said pub. And you are welcome to accompany me and Dudley to the place because Dudley needs to come to get his wand and other school things and Now which one of you would like to accompany me and Dudley to Diagon Alley?"

Vernon and Petunia, looked at each other and he could see the fume on his face. and Petunia finally spoke up and said, "I'll accompany you and my diddykins, but let's worry about that later considering it's already the afternoon, we'll go shopping tomorrow for Duddies new school things."

Vernon looked at Dudley and wanted to ask a certain question but didn't. He realized that he would have to wait until school started to ask the question he wanted so desperately to ask. as to help Dudley avoid his rage that might happen. So Vernon calmed himself, before he lost it altogether.

****TIME SKIP****

Dinner is now ready and still Dudley is still being spoiled of course, somewhat, but now that Petunia and Vernon know that Dudley is a wizard, they decide to cut his portions down, to make him able to loose weight, so he might be able to outdo his cousin. Since they know, he's better than his cousin at a certain level, but at the same time they really didn't want to support the "other" world, but knew that they had to.

And When Vernon left for bed, she had Harry and Dudley sit down on the couch, and wanted to ask Dudley the question her husband never had the nerve to ask. "Now, Dudley, is what Harry said was true, that you felt sorry for him and wanted to be treated the same way,  considering as Harry put it, bullying him?" Dudley nodded in a secretive way that only Petunia could seemingly understand which the nod was "Yes, but don't tell Harry". Harry interrupted, "What does that nod mean?" Petunia chuckled that Harry didn't know what it meant and proceed with the following, "Harry, that nod,is a way for me and Dudley to have a secretive conversation, without Vernon nor you finding out what the answer to the questions that I might ask him." Harry nodded like he understood. And Petunia, now turned to Harry and asked him "Harry, where is the pub and the entrance to this Diagon Alley." 

Harry replied, "The pub is called "The Leaky Cauldron" and from your point of view Petunia, it will look like a broken-down pub in front of Charing Cross Road, with no sign on the front of it, while, if Dudley is truly a wizard he'll be able to see the sign which looks like it's hard to explain really, the sign is a picture of a witch and the witch looks like she's stirring something in the cauldron, but stopped at one point and the cauldron sign itself also leaks. Like I said, it's hard to explain."

"Very well,then. What times do the stores open?; Because I just don't want to seem rude, if they don't open that early. Because when I do go shopping for groceries, I prefer to wait one to two hours after the doors open, to give the employees time to wake up." Petunia said.

Harry replied, "They open around 9am to 10am." 

"Okay, then, We'll leave here around 8:30am to 8:50 am to catch the train to London. I expect you both to be ready by then.(yawns), Now it's time for all of us to head to bed, We've got a long day tomorrow." Petunia said.

Author's Note: I'm giving Petunia a more humanly attitude unlike well, the way she was in the movies and the books, I tried to make characters that are unlikable in the books and movies and in my fanfictions, I tried to have an explanation handy so as to what made them that way, and that sort of thing.  Now Vernon, I'm not sure what to make of him. And I'm not sure of the train schedules in london or anything of the sort but I just try to guess the best I can, because I would assume that trains arrive around 8:50am and leave around 9:00am and since it's a 47 minute to 1 hr 1/2 train ride from Surrey, UK, to London, UK(depending on the time of Day; Mornings take 1 hr 1/2 from Surrey, Uk to London, UK, while, evening train rides take on 47 minutes). Normally I would have had them drive to London, but I'm not sure if Petunia has her drivers license or anything of the sort and knowing Vernon's attitude. Privet Drive is a walking distance away from the train station, but a 7 minute walking distance. so it should be fine for all 3 of them to walk to the train station. Just so you know.

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