Chapter 4: The Justification inside Vernon Dursley's Head

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Vernon couldn't believe his ears. These people telling him his son would be trained as a freak! The nerve of them! Still, even if it was true, which it wasn't, then his son at least was a better wizard than Potter was. He didn't even need a wand. Ha! Vernon caught himself. Dudley was NOT a wizard! He couldn't be! But what if he was? What if Dudley really was a...? Vernon almost couldn't comprehend the consequences. What would the neighbors think if they found out? What would his work think? It was bad enough having Harry in the house, but at least they could try to stamp the magic out of him. How could he treat his son that way? This was all Harry's fault! Dudley must have caught it from him. Like a bad disease, Dudley had contracted magic. It wasn't Dudley's fault. It was never Dudley's fault. So what happens now? How is one trained in magic. What would happen if Vernon refused to allow it? That woman had said it was for Dudley's own good? Could Dudley be hurt by not being trained? Too many questions were flying through his head. he went to find this Dumbledore(silly name,really) to get some answers.

As he came back into the room, he saw Dumbledore crouching down below the fireplace. His electric fireplace was a neatly placed on the mantle. A green fire was blazing, and a man's head was showing in it! Dumbledore seemed to be having an intense conversation with the head.

"...can't go missing!" the head was saying. "Five of them!" The green head was sweaty, and it's green hair was mussed up.

"But they have, Cornelius. The sooner you acknowledge the loss of these fine people, and publicly, then the sooner we can all be united against evil." Dumbledore replied.

"There is no evidence that he is back!" the head was screaming. Vernon was extremely confused . Who had gone missing, he wondered.

"The only evidence is in the facts." Dumbledore said, "Five wizards have gone missing. All of them were good men and women. They didn't go on holiday, and no one was told of any plans. They have been taken by Voldemort."

"You cannot prove that. And until you can, the ministry can take no action!" the head retorted. It gave Vernon a piercing look and, with a whoosh, disappeared. The green fire vanished with it. Dumbledore stood and looked at Vernon. Amazingly, Dumbledore had looked far more exasperated by this Cornelius person than by Vernon. Even when he had been brandishing his gun!

"The Minister of Magic," Dumbledore explained. "And far more trouble than he is worth, let me tell you." Somehow, it relieved Vernon to find that even Wizards had troubles that even magic couldn't solve. It meant they were more like him than he would have liked to admit, but at least he could deal with that on a logical level.

"So, about Dudley," Vernon inquired, curtly. "What is this training you were going on about?"

"Dudley must go to Hogwarts." Dumbledore explained. "This must be done for his own good, and yours. If he is not taught to control his power, then he will draw far more attention to himself and to you, than can be explained." This frightened Vernon far more than Dudley being a wizard. Having people find out about it was worse!

Vernon gulped while the vein in his neck still pulsating and said, "Very well, then." Clearly Vernon was not happy about this situation, but his reputation in the neighborhood must be retained! If his son was destined to be a wizard, (he couldn't yet think of the word without flinching,) then at least his son would be a better one than that Potter brat!

Authors Note from andersoncaseylee246: I changed a couple of things here and there like when it said "before his 2nd year.The original said, "before his 2nd year" so I changed "before his 2nd year" to this paragraph that'll make more sense "This letter was the first and almost nearly identical to the letter he had gotten from Mafalda Hopkirk in the earlier in the summer;when Dudley was attacked by the dementors, though Harry was cleared of the charges of doing the patronus charm. What the Dursleys didn't know was that the trauma, of the so-called event that Dudley and themselves had forgotten, activated his hidden wizard powers that had been dormant all along. So before the Dementor event, Dudley was considered a muggle still considering He couldn't see the Dementors at the time. And these leters pertained to the levitation charms are the ones that hadn't been cleared."


Now for this chapter the 1st sentence in the last paragraph said this: "Very well, then," Vernon said, the vein in his neck pulsing" instead of what it says now. The rest is nearly the same.

Authors Note from Mnementh9999 from, this authors note is taken straight from the of this story. And Mnementh9999 published this story in 2007. And here is the authors note from Mnementh9999 from

This was my,me, mnementh9999, first ever fanfic. I, mnementh9999,wrote this before book 5 came out, and it was my entry in a fan fiction contest on the forums I chatted on at the time. It tied for first place, and I'm very pleased with it. It is based on a single sentence that JK once said, about someone doing magic later in life. I know JK has said it isn't Dudley, but I had fun imagining Vernon's reaction if it was. I lost it for a long time, then found it floating in the back of my Yahoo mail account, where my Fiancé had emailed it to me a very long time ago. (She is now my wife of two years.) The very end was not included in what she emailed me, and I must have sent her a copy of it before I finished it. The bit where Vernon says "Very well, then," is my best memory of how it ended.

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