Chapter 8: The Conversation between Sirius, Dudley and Harry.

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Authors Note: The chapter title is supposed to say this: "Chapter 8: The Conversation, between Sirius, Dudley and Harry, and the train ride to Hogwarts and sorting."

Moody says, "Padfoot, are you barking mad?" Padfoot aka Sirius walks down the stairwell and goes into a waiting room and changes back into Sirius. And Harry beckons Dudley to follow him in there.

Harry, says and asks "Sirius, What are you doing here?" Sirius replied, "I had to see both of you off didn't I? and Harry, may I talk to Dudley alone?" Harry nods, and leaves the waiting room, and Dudley, asks Sirius, "Why do you want to talk to me?" Sirius replied, "No, reason, but considering you are actually older than Harry, you know by now what I want you to do, is keep an eye on him for me because he is my godson and your cousin and Are you scared 'bout your first year of Hogwarts? Don't worry so much about the first year considering you are a legend(Sirius laughs), You are the first and only late bloomer wizard to attend Hogwarts and there is legend of another late bloomer wizard but that was far before Hogwarts was even founded and I'm not even sure if it's really true at all. Now Do you feel guilty about treating Harry all these years?" Dudley nodded and said, "Sorry for the way, I've treated your godson, Sirius, I was just raised differently from Harry even though we were raised in the same home. And I only act tough, because that what my dad, expects of me. And I wanted to speak out of the cruel treatment Harry received but was afraid, they'll kick me or Harry out, and I didn't want that and I wanted to make sure Harry was safe and like you said, I'm his cousin, older cousin, even though by a month and  7 days, but still an older cousin, and since I'm now a wizard, not sure how my father feel about that, but my mother is well, her true feelings came out on the trip to Diagon Alley,"(Dudley tells Sirius about What his mother told me and Sirius was surprised at Petunia's words that she had said to Dudley) and Sirius, spoke up and said, "Bring Harry in here now, before the train leaves in 15 minutes." Dudley got up and fetched Harry and Harry came in and sat down and so did Dudley and Sirius was between the two of them and got an old photo out of his pocket and said, "I wanted you both to have this photo of the original Order of the Phoenix"

Sirius, points to  and says "Marlene McKinnon, She was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. Frank and Alice Longbottom(Harry interrupts and says, "Neville's parents") and sirius continues talking "They suffered a fate worse than death, you ask me. It's been 14 yrs and not a day goes by that I don't miss your dad and uncle."

Harry asks, "Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Sirius replied, "It feels like it did before." Harry and Dudley handed the photo back to Sirius, and Sirius stopped him and said, "You keep it,Anyway, I supposed you're the young ones now."

Sirius turned back into a dog named Padfoot and Dudley and Harry walked out of the waiting room and both of them noticed the train was leaving in 5 minutes and they both had to hurry and Dudley was curious why his train ticket said, Platform 9 3/4, but refused to ask and saw the Lupin, Moody and Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley waited on them. While thier children were already on the train.

"Finally, you two made it." Mrs. Weasley said. "Better hurry up before you miss the train." Dudley asks in a hurry, "Where's the platform?" "Oh sorry, dear, I nearly forgot this was your first time to Hogwarts, Just walk straight at the wall, between Platforms 9 and 10," Mrs. Weasley replied. Dudley took her advice and ran through the wall followed by Harry. and They had to Hurry and find their seats on the train and Harry found Ron and Hermione sitting in a compartment and Harry joined them. and Dudley asks, "May I join you?" Harry nods yes. And Dudley came in and sat down. and said, "I know you two have mixed feelings about me, but let me, tell you what my mother said, to me, on the trip to Diagon Alley."( Dudley explains to Ron and Hermione what Petunia Dursley said to her own son, Dudley, about his Aunt Lily Harry's mother, and Ron and Hermione finally understood the reason why Harry and Dudley was raised differently and Dudley said, "He apologized to his new friends about the way he treated Harry through his childhood, and his new friends forgave them. which surprised Dudley and Ron, all of sudden asked, "What house, do you think you're going to be sorted?" Dudley suddenly got confused and Ron suddenly realized he was being an idiot and said, "Sorry, House at hogwarts are kind of like your family, but nicer and there are four houses, Gryfindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. And Hermione said, "The houses value certain traits in each individual, you would sorted into Gryffindor, if you are brave and true, if you're a smart person get good grades have excellent intelligence, you may be sorted into ravenclaw, if you are hardworking and patient, you would be sorted into Hufflepuff, and if you are show resourcefulness, and cunningness, you might be sorted into Slytherin, And Each house as their own animal icon or symbol, Gryffindor's animal is the Lion, Slytherin's symbol is the serpent, Hufflepuff's symbol is a badger and Ravenclaw's symbol is an eagle, and Yeah, you may be think why the symbol isn't raven or something like that? So now you know the traits, which house do you think you'd be put in. And Don't worry, There any muggle-borns in Slytherin, if there are then it's probably a few. And they probably pretend to be they wouldn't get no wrath from their classmate they share a dorm with." Dudley gulped, "What is pure-blood, and muggle-born?" Hermione, said, "A pure blood wizard is a descendant of two magical parents; and a half-blood, wizard is a descendant of one muggle and one magical parent, and a muggle-born is a descendant of two muggle parents, but somewhere down the line is a squib, and a squib is a descendant of two magical parents, but doesn't have any powers." Dudley asked "Is Harry considering pure-blood or half-blood?" Hermione replies, "He is considered Half-blood, because his mother, your aunt Lily was a muggle-born witch  and she married a pure blood wizard, your uncle, James Potter.So Harry is considered Half-blood."

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