Chapter 2: Musings

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Dudley Dursley was having a bad day. If you had to mention it, he was having a bad week, as well. First, he couldn't stop thinking about how hungry he was. Then, all of a sudden, all these treats kept flying into the room. And never mind that the door was closed,thought Dudley. His horror at the flying sweets, (and the flying pastries, and the plate of leftover chicken his mother had said he couldn't have) did not extend to not eating them. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself. He did not know how these goodies kept zooming into the room, but he suspected Harry was doing it. His mother thought Harry wanted to keep him fat. Dudley thought so too. Just when his diet had started working, too. He had already lost almost a stone, but if the food kept appearing, he'd gain it back in a hurry.

 Then to top it off, a man in a suit, but obviously a freak like, Harry, because he had a wand, had waved it at him, muttering some hocus pocus nonsense,  and the thought he was going to have to get another tail snipped off of him.... He had to calm himself down. He was panicking. Anyway, the weirdo had said, "Well, there seems to be two wizards in this house!" he was trying to say Dudley was a wizard! That was preposterous! Insane! "I can't be a wizard," he moaned to himself. He winced and moaned some more as he remembered that was exactly what Harry had said when the bear man had told Harry he was a freak four years ago. 

Dudley wished for something to take his mind off of this. He wanted his teddy. He had tossed it years ago, of course, and he didn't know why he was thinking of it now, but just now he wanted his teddy. He remembered how he used to hold teddy when he was sad or mad, and the tears would slowly go away, soaking into the soft stuffed bear. he wanted teddy more than anything else, even more than Movie Monster Mayhem on the Playstation 2. He felt something leaning against his arm. He cried even more when he saw what it was, but grabbed it and softly fell asleep. The tears in his eyes slowly went away as he held his teddy close. It had flown in through the closed window.

If Dudley thought that being told he was a wizard was bad, Vernon could have set him straight. Being told your son was a freak, and being unable to movie, speak, or do anything else for that matter, was worse. He still couldn't move, but that had nothing to do with the hocus pocus nonsense the weirdo had put on him. It was pure rage. With a wave of his wand, the man had removed the...What was it Harry had called it? The Body Binder? Horrible man. Despicable, really, to come into a mans house, his domain, petrify him, tell him his son was a freak, finally let you move, and then have the nerve to say more freaks would show up to take your son for testing! If they had thought they were taking his Dudley, then he would show them he had his own ways of defending himself! He suddenly got to his feet, the shock of it all turning purple in anger. He went to the closet and removed from it his own wand. He called it a shotgun! No weirdo was going to take his son. he sat back down in his chair and waited. He would stay up all night if he had to.

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