Chapter 12: First DA meeting- next to last DA meeting.

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Authors' Note: the order of phoenix movie from the first to the last DA meeting because I'm trying to write certain chapters or the remaining chapters in Script/Screenplay form, true it might not have much meaning as a real story, but at least the author, me doesn't have to said, "character said, character asked, replied, etc.,etc.," doing stuff in screen play is easier than doing that other regular author stuff. Just so you know, And also just because I don't mention Dudley here in the DA meeting it's probably because he has proven himself by reading up on the defensive spells from the library in the school and He showed Harry what he learned and was able to help teach the class. as well. or it might be a mixture of screenplay and story telling in certain parts.

First DA meeting. 

NEVILLE: "Expelliamus" Neville's wand flys out of his hand and crashes into the wall behind them. "I'm hopeless."

HARRY: "You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. "Expelliarmus." Wand flys out of the statues hand.

Second DA meeting.

Harry: Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizards bread and butter, really. So come on, then Nigel. Give it your best shot.

Nigel: "Stupefy"

Harry and Nigel fly backwards, Harry towards the wall and Nigel towards the fireplace, but land right in front of them, not actually in them.

Harry: Good. Not bad at al, NIgel. Well done.

Ron and Hermione spars.

Ron: Don't worry. I'll go easy on you.

Hermione: Thanks Ronald.

Fred and George cheer for ron and made a bet. one twin betted ron to win and the other betted for hermione to win. 

Ron:(gets ready to say the word Stup)

Hermione: Stupefy(before word can utter those words and ron whimpers)

Ron(says to the twins): I let her do that. It's good manners, isn't it? It was completely intentional.

3rd DA meeting

Harry(instructing Neville): Now, focus on a fixed point and try again.

Neville: Expelliarmus.

The DA is practicing Levicorpus

Harry: Very good. Keep your concentration.

Harry(instructing Cho Chang): A little higher

Cho loses focus and Nigel falls to the floor.

Nigel: I'm okay. I'm okay.

Fred and George use their skiving snackboxes to try and get rid of Filch. and ends up sick. Umbridges breaks something in half.

4th DA meeting

The DA practices stunning and shrinking .

Harry: Working hard is important, but there's something that matters even more: Believing in yourself. Think of it this way. Every great wizard in history has started out nothing more than what we are now: Students, if they can do it, why not us.

Dudley Dursley-A Late Bloomer WizardWhere stories live. Discover now