Chapter 20 - Fight to Win

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Well, people the audacity of Walter has reached such a level that I'm starting to question if he has been indulging in some form of drugs. Fine, you want a divorce, and yes you agreed to support the children. I don't expect you to do it all, I will do my part as well, but permit me to understand how you could want to dictate my life when you have in fact decided not to be a part of it?

I have been looking at my finances with the intention to buy out my husband, but so far I have been working with a made-up number because I'm still waiting for the information from the bank to see how much money will be needed to get everything sorted out. The bank is taking forever – some crap about a system change. In short, they have me in a holding pattern. Very frustrating when you want to get things done and move on with your life. As I waited to get the information, I, by chance, encountered Walter and he made a comment that made me stop and think real fast.

"The funny thing about banks is that if you don't have an in with the loan officers you'll never find out anything."

That stopped me short. How did he know I was trying to find out information and was he the reason it was taking so long?

I smiled at him like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"That bank was a total pain in general that is why I've changed banks."

My easy reply was not what he was expecting and he started to try to question me. I sidestepped him like the adder he was, saying I had things to do. What I had to do was call the bank and demand an appointment with the manager because there was no way I was going to let him and his side-bits cheat me out of what was mine. He like he hit his head!

When I got in front of the manager I told him I had been trying for a month and a half to get information on my loan but had been told time and again that the system was down. The manager looked shocked and asked whom I had been speaking to and when I told him who, I saw his jaw drop. I let him know the information I wanted and why then let him know the comment my husband made. I explained that it made me think Walter was somehow suppressing the information.

The manager left the room and when he came back it was with several sheets of paper in his hand. He showed me everything, pointing to the different payments that were going in and out of the account and where they were coming from and going. Much to my shock, it seemed like I was paying times more than my husband when it came to the bills when he was making it seem like it was his money doing most of the work. We had a joint account but what I didn't realize was that while all my money went into the account only half of my husband's did. The manager then showed me a print out of statements and from there I began to look and try to understand where the money was going.

The house had actually been built on land that belonged to me but the house was in both our names and so was the mortgage. Papers in hand, I left the bank with a smile, knowing that yet another of Walter's bimbos had it coming to her. I don't know what it was about Walter that makes these women stupid. I know I had the same problem before, and all I can assume is that it's his talent when it comes to telling a woman what she wanted to hear. I hope this one can handle what blindly allowing a man to manipulate her was about to cause. When I got home I sat down and began to go through everything like a wolf looking for its prey and boy did I find meat.

Not only was Walter putting only half of his money into the account, the bills were in his name, but I was paying them. I got everything changed, and when I say everything, I mean everything. I then looked into the cars and was greeted with yet another tangle of deception and I took steps to get that sorted out. Lucky for me, even though I didn't pay attention to what was written on the paper work, I knew where everything was. I spent that night reading everything, and people I mean every word of every contract that we were involved in and from there I began to plan.

I have gotten a new bank account and changed the way my money is distributed. The old joint account only gets enough to pay the fixed bills like mortgage and insurance but I am keeping the rest in my new personal account to pay the house bills and for savings. Not to mention my new side business is really working out and that is in a separate account as well, and I'm sure by the time the divorce comes around, I will be able to buy out Walter with ease. I'm keeping things under wraps and playing my cards close to my chest. Walter is under the impression that I'm low on cash and I'm not going to correct him one-way or the other. What I'm going to do is keep focusing on sorting out my life and let things fall into place. The lawyer has looked at the information I have brought in and together we have been able to come up with a plan of action. With that, we will give Walter a dose of medicine I know he is going to hate.

There was no way I was going to let Walter leave me with nothing. Not without a bitter fight to the end. He may have had me brainwashed in the past, but this woman is going to show him that she wasn't about to sit down and let him take advantage of her anymore. Too long I have been weak, always stepping back from confrontation but it's on people, "on like Donkey Kong". When the bell is rung and the smoke clears, I plan to come out on top, riding Walter like the donkey he is.

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