Chapter 9: I'll Handle It

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Domino was getting on my last damn nerve. If he wasn't out here fucking some random bitch he was doing some other dumb shit.

I was in Glam Life this salon I always came too in Harlem. The owner Liyah always slayed my hair. I was sitting in her chair waiting on her when some bitch that kind of looked like Beyonce came in talking all loud and acting ratchet.

She looked like she had a little bread but not that much wit them knock off red bottoms on.

"Girl I'm so tired of these fucking niggaz. They wanna fuck you and give you a little bit of paper. Then they fuck every bitch moving then get mad if you step out on them." she said to the stylist Erica.

"Girl that's why I make my own money. I don't want no niggaz saying he gave me shit." Erica said.

"Okay." a few ladies said.

I just sat in the back and listened to her. See these bitches never know who they be talking in front of. She might just slip up and say some shit that may help me out.

"Girl who you fucking with now? You stay wit some baller or two." Erica said.

The Beyonce looking girl just grinned.

"Well if you must know Domino is my man. I also was fucking wit G-money, but now he done fell in love with one of Domino's daughters." she said.

Now I was real interested in what this bitch had to say.

"Trina I know you not talking about Domino Sanchez. He got two baby mommas that don't play. I heard he fuck wit some Asia Jamaican bitch too." some girl under the dryer said.

These bitches have no clue who I am sitting here. I loved that I wasn't known like that. Guess this was a plus to Domino keeping me hidden.

"What they hell you was doing with G-money young fine ass?" Erica asked her.

"Girl G get money out here. He trying to take Domino territory over. I know that won't happen but he make major moves. He in love wit Yolanda now Domino's oldest daughter. She can have him cause Im bout to have her little brother or sister." Trina said smiling from ear to ear.

I couldn't believe Domino got that bitch pregnant.

"Girl you having Domino's baby?" Erica asked.

Liyah came in and walked straight back to me.

"Sheba I'm so sorry you had to wait. My son had got sick and I couldn't reach Anthony to get him so I had to get him then take him out to my mom." Liyah said.

"Girl it's ok. I know oh to well how that goes. Liyah what do you know about Erica's client?" I asked her.

She turned and looked at her and the face she gave me when she looked back at me said it all.

"Girl that's Trina hoe ass. Bitch ain't never had a job or anything to call her own. She just sleeps around with hustlers trying to get a quick come up. Word is she was fucking wit Domino, but I saw him curve the bitch a thousand times. She was fucking wit G but I know that's just a piece of ass for him. His girlfriend Alicia is a cool girl so I know he ain't trying to wife Trina hoe ass." she said.

Whenever you need the scoop all you have to do is come to the salon.

I respected Liyah even though she was dating a hustler she took that money and opened up this shop. I don't even think her man knows about it. She secured her a bag that will feed her and her family for life. She had the best stylist and she had dope nail techs.

My cousin Gina did nails in here and from the looks of it she was late.

I talked with Liyah as she slayed this head. My phone buzzed for it to be Domino.

Text from Domino: where are you

Text to Domino: at Glam salon listening to ya new baby momma tell ya business

Text from Domino: Sheba now ain't the time for fucking games

Text to Domino: who playing

Text from Domino: Im on my way to you

There was no need for me to reply back. I didn't have time for Domino's shit. This bitch was saying way to much and my kids were in her mouth to much.

Liyah was just about done when Domino walked in.

"Hey baby you came to surprise me." Trina said all up in his face.

He pushed her to the side and was looking around until he spotted me. He came right to me.

"Now who is my baby momma in here besides you?" he asked loudly.

All the women started gasping then they turned and looked at Trina who looked dumbfounded at the time.

"You just greeted her as you came in." I said handing Liyah two stacks.

"Thank you for slaying my hair Liyah I will see you soon. Tell Gina next time on my nails." I said walking towards the front stopping in front of Trina.

"Next time my kids names leave ya beef suckers I will send you to your maker. Is that clear?" I asked her.

She just nodded her head in agreement.

I walked out leaving all those bitches jaws on the floor.

"Sheba we have business to handle." Domino said.

"What business is that Domino? I'm bout to go meet up with Rasta bout what happened in Harlem last night." I said.

Trina came outside and just stood there for a second.

I just got in my G wagon and pulled off.

The Spot

When I got to the spot Rasta was there waiting on me looking mad as all hell.

I can't believe somebody hit our spot in Harlem last night.

"How much of a loss am I looking at?" I asked not one to beat around the bush.

He tossed the blunt he was smoking.

" Dem took us for 10 keys and $300,000. Meh wun bloodclot murder eryting moving." he said.

Damn that's a big loss, but not as bad as it could have been. Only four people know about this spot, so now its time to handle niggaz.

What most of these niggaz didn't know was most of the bodies that everyone thinks Domino dropped, I really did it.

It's nothing for me to murder anybody fucking wit my money.

"I wanna know who hit my spot by tonight and get everybody who knows about this spot to the warehouse tonight." I said leaving.

When I got back to my truck Domino was standing there.

"What do you want Domino? I got something to handle." I said uninterested in anything he had to say.

"I need you to handle Phats tonight." he demanded.

I just looked at him like how could I have loved this man so long.

"I have my own shit to handle tonight. Look meet me at the warehouse later. By the way what are we gonna do about this Trina bitch she talks to much." I said.

"Handle her too shit." he said and pulled off.

I wasn't going to tell him about Yolanda and this G-money dude cause I was going to handle that personally.

"Hello." I said.

"He is at footlocker on 42nd street right now I'm looking at him." she said.

"On my way." I said disconnecting the call.

I was bout to talk to G-money right now.

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