Chapter 1

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I just have many ideas for this...Enjoy!


Mitch's POV

I ran.

I just ran and ran. My lungs and legs hurt but I just kept going. Tears were now streaming down my face, I just lost everything. My home,family, and friends. I should have stayed and helped fight, but I had to listen to my mother.

I stopped running and knelt down on the ground and wept. I cried for what seemed like forever, but remembered what y mom always told me 'You're to strong to cry'. She was right though, I was too strong to cry. I wipe my tears and stand up. I look at where I am. I'm very deep in the forest, and I've never been this far. I quickly climb a tree all the way to the top. I look around and in the distance I see a castle, with a village too!

I climb down the tree and begin walking in the direction of the village. Once I got to the edge of the forest I saw a guard taking some people in, so I hid behind a tree and waited for them to leave.

After waiting for a few minutes I looked back at the entrance and there was a new guard watching the gate. I slowly walk out of the forest and he spots me. "You there! What is your business here?" The guard asks pulling out a sword slowly. "I come to seek refuge, my village was attacked and burned." I say putting my hands up in defence. "Come with me, you must talk to the princess first." The guard says opening the gates and leading me in.

We walk in to the village and there are children playing,people selling things, and some women watching over their kids. "This way" The guard says motioning for me to follow him to what looks like a training area.

We see someone taking on 2 people. "One moment, the princess is just training." The guard says behind me. I watch in amazement at the princess and how she fights. She can fight so gracefully yet with much force. She doesn't miss anything, and in a matter of minutes both guys have lost.

"Bodil? Seto? You guys okay?" She asks helping the two up. "We're fine, you're getting better and better every time we test you!" One of the guys says. "Ehem, Julia another person has come wandering from the forest." The guard says breaking up their conversation. "We'll meet you at the river!" The other person says as he takes off his last bit of armor. One of them was wearing a black suit with a yellow and orange spotted tie, the other wore a grey robe with a purple hood. The two then ran off.

"Sorry Jeremy, Bodil and Seto are hard to take down." The girl said taking off her helmet. She has long jet black hair, light tan skin, and dark brown eyes. "Ah yes, Mr. Sinclair and Mr. VanDenBerg. Anyways, we had another refuge come from the forest." Jeremy says gesturing to me. "Hi there! What's your name?" She asks cheerfully. "M-Mitch, Mitchell Hughes" I stutter. "Well Mitch, welcome to the kingdom of Griffindor! (yes, it's Griffindor. I couldn't think of anything)" She says smiling. "You're welcome to stay here, my name's Julia, Julia Wilson." She continues. "I'll take him to a free house. You can go now Julia" Jeremy says shooing her off. "Bye then! Hope to see you around!" She says running off in the direction of her friends.

"Okay, follow me" Jeremy says as we walk away from the training area.

Julia's POV

"Bye then! Hope to see you around!" I say running off to where the river was. I run through the other side of the village until I reach the river. "Seto? Bodil?" I ask not seeing my friends. I feel a tap on my shoulder and jump. Then I hear laughing. "I hate you guys so much......" I groan. "Love you too!" Bodil says giggling.

I soon begin laughing because of Bodil's laugh. "Anyways, what was with that last guy?" Seto asks once our laughing has died down. "Another refugee, his name was Mitch." I say sitting on a boulder next to the river. "Anything else?" Bodil asks sitting beside me. "He looked cute...I guess..." I mumble but somehow loud enough for both to hear. "Awe, does someone have a crush?" Seto squeals pulling himself up on the rock and hip-checking Bodil to move over almost making me fall on the ground. "I just met him! I DO NOT have a crush on him." I say adjusting my sitting position so Seto can have some room.

We just chat about other stuff until we hear horses coming. "My dad's back, let's get back to the training area." I say jumping off the rock and running back to the village. They follow and we rush back to the training area before my fathers troops get there. We make just in time and just sit on the small wall next to where we were battling earlier. "Hello father" I say as his horse rides in. "Hello King James" Seto and Bodil say in unison. "Hello Julia. Hello Jimmy, hello Martin. How are you?" My father greets us. "Good." We all say.

"Jeremy informed me of the new people to our kingdom. Could you three show them around and help them settle in?" He asks getting off his horse. "Sure!" I say jumping off the wall. "Come back to the castle for dinner! Jimmy your father told me he needs help later with potions and Martin your father said he needs some help guarding the wall." He says as we walk to the houses. They nod and we're off.

Time to meet the newcomers.


I just had idea for this is all. I hope you enjoyed, leave a like and comment, maybe even a follow. I will see you sorcerers later, goooooooodbye!

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