The One Who Got Away

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Before you begin reading.. let it be known that this was my first Misaka Fan Fiction. I never posted it anywhere till now, keeping it saved in my Dropbox for prosperity. Now.. I'm posting it chapter by chapter, editing it so that it doesn't sound like my less skilled writing self..  I hope you enjoy it.. cause seriously, I was afraid of the day this weirdly concocted story would see the light.


The Muggle Writer, Mikoto Misaka Yoshida. (yes, that is my full legal name)

Japan.. Not exactly what one thought of when they thought, 'most historical events in magical history'. But then again, it did have it's moments.

It's school Mahoutokoro was known specially for it's world class Quidditch players.  In fact, the legend went that a few Hogwarts students once found themselves caught in a mighty wind in shoddy broomsticks. They ended up in Japan, and taught the local school the craft of the game and rudimentary rules.. they later regretted this. 

Of course however, what Japan was known most for in the Wizarding Community, was it's tendency to host rather large gatherings of Magicians.  These more unique practicioners of magic used Religion and other mediums to control their Mana.. the source of magic manipulation for them.. and some of them were even Muggles (nonmagic folk, or NonMags as they say in America). Muggles who had learned that one didn't necessarily need magical blood to perform magic.. just a different means to access it.

Indeed, as a result, many Catholic Wizards in the Wizengamot and Order of Merlin staff were a little unwilling when it came to acknowledging Magical Muggle organizations such as Necessarius in London. Especially given their means of keeping an unhealthy supply of Grimoires secret from the main magical public.

But there were other reasons the European Wizards and Asian Wizards alike didn't particularly find Japan so tasteful of late.

Muggles were tapping into a power they didn't understand.. a power they usually didn't understand because they never felt they needed to.. unlike some past fanatics such as Authur Weasley, father of Ronald Billius Weasley, father of Rose Weasely all whom need no introduction.

Technology.. Science. The art of creating power through mere facts alone. Never had Wizards ever felt these silly little Muggles were capable of creating anything noteworthy with these little toys they called Telephones.. or Cars..

But then.. Muggles became creative. In Japan and America especially. When Wiles Widders was killed by a gun in 1994, it was rather overshadowed by the Minister of Magic at the time, Cornelius Fudge's attempts to discredit renowned Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and the famous Harry Potter, future vanquisher of the Dark Lord.  However, it was confirmed that yes, Muggle Weapons could most definitely kill with about as much efficiency as a wand, while it did so in a much cruder sense.

Then Academy City, Japan's independent City State, created soley as a city for the education of the most brilliant Muggle Children, revealed a new development that soon became the pinnacle of Muggle Achievement.

The ESPR, or Esper, or Psychic.. as some would call it. A human, with the ability to create unnatural powers or phenomena.. WITHOUT magic..

And to make matters worse.. Wizards could NOT become Espers without risking serious maiming to themselves. In other words.. it was a power exclusive to Muggles, that in some cases, as with a certain 7 extremely powerful espers.. made them terrifyingly powerful.

Pure Blood Extremists in Japan have demanded Espers be killed, wiped out, calling their mere existance heresy.

On the other hand, much of the European Wizarding Community has only felt unease.

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