The Meltdowner

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Mikoto sent Mizuchi out the very next day with a letter addressed to Harry. As the weather outside was only getting worse to the point where Hogsmeade Weekends were getting moved, Mikoto wasn't counting on a quick response. In fact, she felt terribly guilty for sending her loyal owl out into the blizzard.

So before she flew out into the storm, Mikoto placed an Impervius charm on her owl to keep the cold and snow off her feathers.

Even so, Mizuchi seemed to struggle in the wind as she flew out. Hagrid however, reassured her that experienced owls, even small ones had experience fighting in terrible storms.

Meanwhile, Mikoto was grateful of the School Term starting again in January.

She missed Lily, and without many people in the castle, there was nothing to distract her much from the fact that the blizzard was keeping her from going out to love and dote on her favorite magical creatures.

However, even with the blizzard, Mikoto still had some creatures keeping her occupied. She kept a group of Salamanders in the Common Room fireplace for Hagrid to keep them out of the blizzard, which caused returning students to stare at the fireplace as the fire loving lizards scampered in and out of the logs.

Twiggles the Bowtruckle could also be seen lying on the floor, flipping through a book and staring at the pictures when not dwelling happily in Mikoto's hair or on her shoulder.

Some creatures, which had grown to house an unusual affection for Mikoto, kept sneaking into the castle to see her.

For instance, an entire herd of pure gold unicorn foals  were found crowded in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, neighing for Mikoto to come out and play, which frankly baffled Mikoto, Hagrid and Filch, the three of whom, could not surmise a theory to how in the world they snuck into the castle.

Filch for one, was found yelling himself hoarse at Mikoto, as the little unicorns had left a trail of sopping wet snow everywhere, right before Buckbeak the Hippogriff walked in on the two of them, carrying a dead ferret in his beak as a present for Mikoto.

Thankfully, Mikoto was saved from detention by a passing Professor Longbottom (who disliked Filch as much as the other students, having had his share of terrible experiences with him during his own school years.)

In the meantime, Mikoto and her friends spent their time after New years pouring through books in search of information on the Deathly Hallows.

"I'm afraid I can't give you much information." said Lily. "I only know that the three brothers from the story were the Peverel family. And the only Hallow our family's passed down is the Invisibility Cloak that James owns."

"And what does Master of Death mean?" Mikoto asked. "Do you know what that means at least?"

"No, not in the slightest I'm afraid. "said Lily. "Dad was always a bit cryptic about that. Though I don't think it means you become super powered magical force or anything. The term seems to sound more metaphorical. Like maybe somebody whose accepted Death is a master of it."

Mikoto, who was more used to living in a place where the concept of mastering something being an actual physical power, felt skeptical about this. However, she also felt that the Wizarding World was far different from the Scientific World.

In fact, Mikoto felt as if they were two separate worlds altogether. Just imagining anything from Academy City, like the foes she fought, or monstrous AIM Burst (long story), or even her Sisters, being in Hogwarts or places Wizarding related, felt outlandish and absurd.

Still, she had seen Shizuri Mugino on Platform 9 and 3/4.

And speaking of Mugino... that term, would finally come the time in which Mikoto's old life would collide with her new one.

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