Silver Voldemort.

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Mikoto stared at Tasha, still reeling slightly from the news.

"I.. I'm telling you this because of two things." said Tasha. "First, you're my friend, and secondly, you're used to Kuroko who doesn't seem to be afraid of her.. well.. you know."

"Kuroko grew up without her parents." said Mikoto. "Unlike me, who grew up with my mother doting on me ever moment when I was little. She's lived in Academy City so long, people call her a girl 'living in the future.' Heck, she knows about as much about regular Muggle Culture as a Witch raised in an all magic family...  But yeah, I don't judge on that, it's impossible to when you have Kuroko as a best friend."

"Do you think it's wrong?" Tasha asked.

"I don't think being that way is wrong." said Mikoto . "As for whether acting upon it is wrong, I really don't have the experience to truly say. Sure, If I go to church and ask they'll tell me it is.. but you're Catholic right? Think of it like this. God gave us all a choice. Despite our urges to do sin, we all have the choice to suppress our urges. Being a certain way isn't a sin, but acting upon it might be."

Tasha nodded. "I'm glad.. you feel the same way. My parents would probably try to 'correct' me if they knew, they always said that gay people were shameless bloody.. well.. you know. I.. I wish I wasn't so ashamed of myself."

Mikoto laughed. "Tasha.. it's not a big deal. I mean, I get the overcorrecting parents part, yeah. But you're living in the 21st century, society has changed both in Muggles and Wizards. Look at Dumbledore! He's a hero to everyone and he's flat out gay! Being gay isn't wrong!  Get that out of your head right now!! Come on, say it with me."

"Being Gay isn't wrong.." said Tasha. "Y-yeah.. sure.. "

Mikoto now frowned. "And let me get this straight now.. I'm.. still the only one who knows right?"

Tasha nodded gingerly.  "Besides.. G-Gil.. he's a very good friend.. Please, I'm trusting you not to tell.. not anybody, not even Lily or Kuroko! Especially not Kuroko!"

"Huh?" Mikoto muttered. "Why? She's the last person who'd misunderstand."

"I'm worried she'd understand too much."

Mikoto's eyes widened with revelation. "I see.. you like somebody don't you...? And.. it's.."

Tasha went red and Mikoto felt her face go red as well.  It wasn't every day that somebody confessed they loved you, and much less during these situations.

"I get it." said Mikoto. "Don't worry, I'll keep it all secret. I'll die before I tell anybody without your permission.. deal?"

Tasha looked grateful beyond belief, and hugged Mikoto. "Thank you.. Thank you so much.."

Mikoto nodded, and immediately felt nervous. Never before had a friend entrusted her with such a massive secret. It was not exactly confusing why anybody would tell her though, people knew she was stubborn enough to take something to her grave.. but.. still, it made her feel rather nervous.

"Excuse me." Vols had walked out his office door. "Don't want to break up your little chat, but the time to see the Grand Master is drawing near. She bumped up the schedule so that we could resolve the matter quickly at my request."

"Sure." Mikoto said. "Yeah. Let's go.

They went back to the 3rd floor, where the main office of the Grand Master was supposed to be. And as they headed for the far end of the majestic room, Mikoto noticed a door that was larger than the rest, colored dark blue.

"That's the Global Department of Mysteries." said Vols. "The Universe's greatest magical secrets are all studied behind that door. As this organization is already top secret, those who work here already know a bit of the studies there. I believe Esper Abilities and how Personal Realities can possibly come into being is one of the issues considered."

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