Serious Accidents

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"Alright! We've got everything?" Ginny exclaimed as she helped Lily and Al lug a couple of trunks into the back of an old 2003 Kia Sedona.

"Yes Mum." said Lily. "Everything on the list!"


"Yes, all there." said James, poking his head out of the front shotgun seat's window.

"James get out, that's where your mother's sitting." said Harry as he checked his watch.

Mikoto was standing next to the van as well, wearing a black shirt titled "Weird Sisters" on the front, and a set of blue denim shorts. Of course she was there to see Al and Lily off.

"Say, after we're done at the train station, why don't we go to Diagon Alley, find some Owl Treats for Mizuchi?" said Ginny, trying to lift Mikoto out of her blues.

"Yeah, that would be nice." said Mikoto, her heart lifted at the chance to see Diagon Alley, which apparently was like a large open air mall for wizards.

"And don't worry about where she is now." said Harry. "I should know, those owls are pretty smart when finding their way back to their owners. That particular species is especially adaptable too."

"Alright, everyone in the car." said Ginny as she got in. "James, back seat next to Al.. Lily, furthest seat next to Mikoto."

As they piled into the car, Mikoto was stunned to find that the inside of the vehicle had been magically expanded to be bigger then the outside. Which pretty much violated all laws of physics considering the laws of space time.  Then again, as an Esper who naturally violated laws herself, perhaps this wasn't too big of a revelation.

Mikoto sat comfortably next to Lily, having plenty of leg space as Harry started up the van and began driving out of Ottery St. Catchpole, which apparently housed many wizarding families.

It took several hours to reach London due to an absolutely terrible traffic situation. As they were caught in the standstill, Mikoto would look around and wonder if she'd see anybody she knew from the 'Magician' magic community, many of whom were associates of her certain idiot friend.

"Looking for Necessarius?" Harry asked, looking in the rearview mirror.

"Huh?" Mikoto said, a little stunned.

"The ministry tracks well known associates of them, you're included on the list." said Harry. "They're fine. Naturally, they're not involved with the esper genocide situation."

"Oh." said Mikoto.

"Disappointed?" asked Harry.

"No, it's not as if I knew them well.. but I'd think they'd at least try to help the friend I'm thinking of." Mikoto said. "Especially since he's guarding a certain stupid silver sister.."

Mikoto blushed and pouted at the thought of the 'silver sister' she had in mind.

"Oooh, methinks I sense a disturbance in the jealous female force." said James with an arched eyebrow.

"James, unnecessary." said Harry.

"Fine." James said with a sigh, folding his arms behind his head.

"Anyways, this 'sister' you talk about is precisely why we keep an eye on them." said Harry. "The Auror office in particular. Some of the Grimoires she possesses are in the restricted section of Hogwarts Library, and for good reason."

Al turned fervently to look at Mikoto. "I-is it true that Necessarius keeps a chained up Erumpent in their basement?"

"I don't know." said Mikoto.

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