The Hog's Head

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As Kuroko had teleported her way to Hogwarts (meaning to repeatedly dissapeared and reappeared through the air, since her ability had  a distance limit) She didn't have to wear a coat, as passing through the theoretical 11th Dimension that teleporters supposedly passed through using their abilities, kept her warm enough, as she mainly teleported house by house. 

Rose however, insisted on walking, and anyways, Lily, Tasha, and Gil had insisted on coming too, and Kuroko could only teleport two with her at a time. 

Time in the Wizarding world and reading books from Hogwarts's extensive library had taught Mikoto much about the difference between Apparition and Kuroko's power.

Esper Teleportation had many varied forms, with some Espers able to teleport objects within their line of sight without touching them, such as Awaki Musujime, or others able to teleport objects independently of themselves by touching, like Kuroko.  And, Teleport as an ability was far better for combat than Apparition. 

While there was no limit on Apparition's distance, there was the risk of being splinched, which was where you accidentally left part of yourself behind. Then you would have to wait for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes from the Ministry to sort you out. 

Teleport bore no such risk and could be easily mastered as long as you possessed the ability. Plus unlike Apparition, it could be used consecutively in very quick succession. While it took a moment to disapparate again after apparating at a location, an esper could immediately dissapear the moment they reappeared, appearing for only a millisecond before dissapearing once more. Finally, Apparition's 'travel time' wasn't instantaneous like Teleport, so in close quarters, if one blow was all it took to end the fight, then the Esper would win by speed alone. 

 Overall, Apparition was suited to travel, and Teleportation was suited to fights.

But the differences weren't what Mikoto was thinking about, actually she was thinking that she should've changed into something warmer than her pajamas and a parka.

Sneaking out of the castle was easier then Mikoto thought. Nobody stopped them on their way out the door, and Filch and his abominable cat Mrs. Norris, by sheer luck, never happened upon them. 

It was sneaking out of the grounds themselves that was the real challenge.

"You've got to be kidding me." Mikoto shivered, her sneakers crunching in the snow.

They were standing in front of a large willow tree with tough looking branches, all with ends that looked like they were curled into fists.

The Whomping Willow, the famously most dangerous tree in all of Hogwarts. Like it's name and appearance suggested, it was a tree that spent most it's time punching whatever came near it.

"There's a passageway to the Shrieking Shack under the roots. " said Rose.  "We just need to find a knot in the trunk that paralyzes it long enough for us to get through."

Kuroko shivered."J-just.. t-tell me wh-where and.."

Tasha took her school cloak and draped it around Kuroko.

"Whoo! Thanks.." said Kuroko, shaking off her shivers. "Just tell me where."

Rose pointed to make sure Kuroko got a clear look at the location, and before they knew it, Kuroko had teleported right next to the trunk, poking the knot with a finger.

Immediately the tree siezed up.. slowing down immensely.  One by one, the group walked to the root and slid down a small hole at the base of the trunk.. sliding down into the passage underneath.

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