Price of Popularity

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It was no surprise that after 2 weeks of school, and after Mikoto had gone over to Hagrid's after every class to help him out with creature's for his next day's classes, Hagrid requested McGonagall allow her to take Care of Magical Creatures.

McGonagall agreed after seeing how much of a natural Mikoto was at Charms and Defense Against The Dark Arts, bumping down the tutor time for each to 30 minutes.

In fact, a little to Mikoto's astonishment, she was pretty great in ALL her classes, being told by some of her older teachers that they hadn't seen such a bright witch since Hermione Granger, the Minister of Magic herself.

It was starting to feel a little bit like Tokiwadai, Mikoto's old school. There, she had pretty much aced all her courses too, and they had even gone as far as to name her the Ace of the school.  Not just because she was the best student there, but because of the fact that the Level 5 Esper known as the Railgun, was the most powerful Esper they had next to another Level 5 named Mental Out. However, Misaki Shokuhou never liked attention, leaving all the fame to Mikoto.

But there was one thing that Mikoto wasn't used to due to the fact that Tokiwadai was in fact an All Girls school.

Male students of all ages in Hogwarts began to take an interest in her after half of the second week. Many of them eying her in the halls, or staring at her during lunch, breakfast, and dinner. Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, it didn't matter which house, they all seemed to have a infatuation with her.

Of course back in Academy City, Mikoto got this with a lot of guys, and it annoyed her a little, causing her to be aloof in her attitude to plenty of boys, or even downright try to avoid them (as witnessed in one episode where she tried to go on a fake date with her spikey haired idiot friend to get one off her back). But never had she ever had to be in the same school as so many guys, in a school which was pretty much comprised of all the wizard and witch youth population in Britain.

It freaked Mikoto out, and to her embarrassment, as she prided herself in her stubborn bravery, it scared her a bit.

It did not get easier, especially once a certain special weekend arrived.

"Hogsmeade weekend! Yes!" Gil pumped his fist as he looked at the notice board in the Gryffindor Common Room. "I've been waiting for this!"

"Hogsmeade?" said Mikoto.

"It's the Wizarding Village near here, one of the only completely non-muggle settlements in Britain, we're allowed to visit it on certain weekends." said Tasha. "Wanna go with us? Lily's doing some extra credit in Transfiguration over the Weekend isn't she?"

"Poor sap, she's missing out." said Gil.

"She's not missing too much, she's been every weekend last year." said Tasha. "But this would be Mikoto's first visit. But wait.. hmm.. does Mikoto have permission from a parent or guardian?"

At that moment, as if waiting for a reason to come in with a flashy entrance, Mizuchi glided into the room, holding a letter in her beak.

Mikoto took the letter and opened it. Inside, was a note in Harry's handwriting.

"Explained the situation to your parents." Mikoto read. "huh.. explained what exactly?"

A piece of parchment that looked like a permission slip fell out of the envelope, and Tasha picked it up."

"Well well, looks like your parents signed the form!" said Tasha brightly. "And in Kanji no less! That is Kanji right?"

"Yep!" said Mikoto feeling excited. "Alright then! A weekend at Hogsmeade it is!"

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