Power of the Majin

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"And who might you be?" Voldemort asked mockingly, pointing his wand at Hecate

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"And who might you be?" Voldemort asked mockingly, pointing his wand at Hecate.

"An old friend of Albus Dumbledore.. that's what I wish for you to know at the very least." said Hecate.

"Then you of all people should know that in the end, I bested Dumbledore.." said Voldemort.

"Bested? No.. got killed? Yes.." Hecate whispered. "And finally, I get to avenge him you little snake faced prick."

Hecate thrust her hand downwards, and immediately Voldemort found himself slammed straight into the ground, cracks appearing in the street around him as an immeasurable force forced him down.

As Voldemort choked and struggled against the force, Hecate looked at Mikoto. "Is he the one who hurt you?"


"Well, then, I have one more reason to thrash this trouble maker like the pathetic scarred soul he is." said Hecate.

"Grand Master!!" stammered Vols. "Y-you can't! You know the laws you set for yourself!"

"I know them very well indeed." said Hecate. "However, I have chosen to break them on this day for  the sake of this world and my conscience, do not interfere."

"Blimey.." Ron whispered to Harry. "Whose she? I'm kind of confused right now."

"I'll explain later mate." said Harry.

Hecate twirled a hand, and Voldemort whirled his wand. "Accelerator.. kill her."

Accelerator however, remained frozen in time.. unable to move or even twitch.

"That won't work Riddle." said Hecate. "He won't be able to help you, nobody will want to help.."

"Hahahahaha.." Voldemort laughed. "You think yourself powerful enough to challenge me? Fool.."

"I.. the fool?" Hecate said, her eyes glowing. "You think that you alone have gone beyond every user of magic in his quest for power.. but you have merely scratched the surface. You have not faced a Majin until this very day after all.."

Voldemort waved his wand, whipping it to and fro, and a massive serpent exploded from his wand, towering above the people there.

The snake snapped it's jaws viciously, striking at Hecate ferociously..

Hecate glared at the snake, her eyes glowing with terrible might. "Begone.. vile thing."

The serpent froze, it's eyes wide in absolute fear, before it turned to stone and crumbled to dust.

Voldemort stared at the girl. "What!? Where is your wand!?"

"Wand? WAND!?" Hecate laughed, as she did so.. her appearance began to seem more and more wrathful.

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