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Mikoto never realized how hungry she was until she started digging into the food in front of her. Bacon, eggs, sausage with ketchup, and pancakes. Not exactly the type of breakfast she was used to in Japan, but food nonetheless.

Ginny Weasely, Harry's beautiful red haired wife, set down a cup of coffee in front of Mikoto as she dug in. "Suger? Cream?"

"N-no.. thank you.." Mikoto said between bites, gratitude welling up in her very soul. "It's so good.. I.. haven't eaten for so long.."

"I can see that.. you inhaled the crumpets." said Ginny, smiling. "You're a long way from home dear, I can tell that much."

Mikoto stopped for a minute to look at the bandages wrapped around her hands. "I.. I can't thank you enough. You've done so much for me."

"You've been through enough trauma. Given our way, we would use a memory charm to help you forget all of it."

"Yeah.. cause it's the law." Mikoto muttered. "But like you said before, memory charms don't work on Espers for some reason. I get it."

"No, nothing like that, I don't think it would be suitable to make you forget THAT much for that reason." said Ginny as she set several plates in the kitchen sink. "The fact remains that we can't send you back to your normal life without sending you to your doom. So you'd have to have some long term contact with wizards in the first place, it would make no sense to make you forget."

"Okay." said Mikoto. "So, I'm still sort of reeling from the fact that you guys have.. er.. government."

"The magic you've come into contact with are known as Magicians." said Ginny. "Their magic works.. erm.. 'differently' is the best way I can describe it."

"Wait, you said, long term contact." said Mikoto. "Am I staying somewhere?"

"With us of course." said Ginny. "We've opened up Teddy's room to you, he's studying abroad in Egypt at the moment."

"He's your kid too?"

"No, he's Harry's godson. " said Ginny. "I think you two would like each other. he has quite a thing for books."

"I usually read stuff on my phone actually." Mikoto said. "But I lost it a little while back.. trying to escape from Academy City."

Ginny looked as if she were about to try and say something to comfort Mikoto, but at that moment, her son, Al, walked in. The same boy who had been in the room when she raged out of Hermione's bag and demolished the wall, he was accompanied by his sister Lily.

"Aunt Hermione's gone back to the Ministry to 'sort out stuff' or at least that's how she put it." said Al. "Uh, are we Obliviating her?"

"No, not at all." said Harry, walking into the room behind Al. "She's staying with us until further notice."

"Whoooooah! Hold the phone here! Are we.. actually having a good to honest psychic in the house?"

A boy who looked around 18 with his father's jet black hair walked into the room a half eaten apple in his hand. He grinned at Mikoto. "oh my, not bad! Dad, seriously! If it were Christmas you could have told me!"

"Not now James, this is serious." said Harry. "She's not something in a zoo you can gawk at."

"I'm not here to gawk." said James, sounding scandalized. "She is the first good to honest muggle we've seen who has 'SUPER POWERS!' I want to know how I can get some of my own!"

"Drugs, suggestive mind tricks, and hard work." said Mikoto.

"Okay, now rephrase that and take out the 'hard work' part, and I think we can work with it." said James.

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